How old is aviayu? Does he have any other health problems, especially eye, sinus or ear related?
(EDIT): Also, did he forcefully clear his ears and/or sinuses on descent?
Additionally, it would be very helpful if you or he could answer Cutlass' questions about the nature of the vision loss: did the vision get blurry then fade, did it look like a curtain fell in front of him, did the vision loss start in one spot and then spread, etc? (END EDIT)
Visual disturbances like blurred or tunnel vision can be a symptom of oxygen toxicity, but "overall fadeout (blackout), can not even see weak light" would be a pretty unusual. Aviayu also describes swollen, red-rimmed eyes which is not indicative of O2 toxicity. Mask squeezes can vary greatly in their appearance - I've seen very mild cases, and I've also seen guys who look like they've taken a 1-2 punch from Mike Tyson.
Air pressure in the sinuses can have wide-ranging effects. There is at least one case report of temporary blindness from impingement of the retinal artery related to chronic sinusits in a diver:
Laryngoscope. 2000 Aug;110(8):1358-60.
Neurological consequences of scuba diving with chronic sinusitis.
Parell GJ, Becker GD.
Neurological consequences of scuba diving with chr... [Laryngoscope. 2000] - PubMed result
Aviayu will also want to rule other things out. The loss of vision could mean that he has something else happening in his eyes. If he has incipient/subclinical glaucoma, a change in the pressure in his eyes could result in a loss of vision. He also may have some retinal artery abnormalities.
I really think that he needs to be seen by an ENT (ear/nose/throat) physician and also an ophthalmologist.
Best regards,