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Son of Yemaya
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Boca Raton, FL.
# of dives
As some of you know, due to a non-diving injury on the evening before the trip to Key Largo I organized for May 1st, I was not able to join Scuba Jenny, Grier, Rebecca, Chris, Joe, Marvel, and Andy on the dive; scbababe ( I just love her :07: ), was most supportive and sat it out with me. Although it turned out that I didn't regret it (as most everyone fed the fish), the day still turned out to be a good one.

A brief summay, I sustained a deep cut to my right hand's index finger, which ended up requiring stitches. Due to a combination of stitches, rough seas, and an 8' bull shark last weekend, this will be the 1st weekend I get to dive, post injury, and my last one for the next 6 weeks after Wednesday June 2nd. Contrary to the diagnosis of the ER doctor, I have sustained both nerve and tendon damage, which requires surgery to repair the nerve, and either repair, or most likely graph the tendon. As such, I'll be in a splint for 6 weeks post surgery, and if a graph is required, I'll be able to dive after those 6 weeks for about 3 months, then surgery again and 6 more weeks of splint. Hopefully that will do it. I guess I'd better hope for the surgeon to be able to repair the tendon 'cause I still have my DM course to finish, and my IDC in Grand Cayman, courtesy of Bob Soto's Reef Divers, to do.

Anyway, I will still be around and hope to join you, my buddies, on top side activities, as well as babysitting while scbababe enjoys a few dives without me nagging her :wink:
Hi Rick,
Sorry to hear about the severity of the cut to the finger, gotta watch it when your hand is in the cookie jar :D Iv'e seen you mention the Bull a couple of times, what exactly occured during your encounter?

Hope you recover quickly !!

Best wishes for a rapid and complete recovery, my friend. I don't think you'll be lacking for dive buddies when you're finally able to return to the water.

(Hmmmm, sounds like a ScubaBoard celebration to me! Let's start planning now!)

Take care,
Anyway, I will still be around and hope to join you, my buddies, on top side activities, as well as babysitting while scbababe enjoys a few dives without me nagging her :wink:

Awww.... Papi, you'll be fine after surgery. "I'll take good care of you!"

But now, it's your turn to sit out on the beach under the "HOT FL SUN" taking care of the baby..... "while I dive"!!!.(lol) :fruit: :lol2:

I luv-u!!.... smooches!!! :10:
man, sorry to hear that... just get better fast so we can dive!
Thank you guys for your thoughts and well wishes, especially you baby :wink:. I'm keeping up the faith that the recovery will be short, and that the procedure will not be that invasive. On the other hand, I've been practicing doing things left handed and I tell you, some hygene chores are really hard to do that way :D

Andy, I should regain my medical clearance just in time for mini season, so come on down and let's go diving.
Hey Rick, so glad to hear Angie will have a sitter so she can go diving with us. :D

Seriously, tho, hope you mend quick! Hopefully you will be able to sneak a dive in or two before the surgery.

I hope you learned your lesson about reaching for glass while nipping the bottle! LOL
I hope you learned your lesson about reaching for glass while nipping the bottle! LOL

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