What next?
We get scuba divers to FINALLY understand that the freediver's rubber belt is superior to a nylon weight belt????? (which it is)..
At the risk of derailing my own thread, I'd like to mention that I described an incident during which I lost my weight belt to Lake Huron here (http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/ba...t-way-use-reel-ascent-line-5.html#post5689472). It was a rubber weight belt with a wire "buckle." I still prefer this type of weight belt--when I'm diving wet. Because of that incident, however, when I'm diving dry, I use a nylon weight belt with two SS buckles on it, an old-fashioned approach. (My weight belt wears significantly more Pb when I'm diving dry, and I'd really hate to lose it when at depth--unless I *need* to lose it, that is.)
Okay. Back to the current thread! Great responses so far!