Another question for our deco guru's! 
Once a critical tissue compartment saturation exceeds the chosen surfacing limit M value we have moved from a No Stop profile to a manditory Decompression profile. (I don't really like the term "no decompression limit" (NDL) because all dives involve decompression, it's just for an NDL dive you don't have to stop to achieve that off-gassing)
At this point, your dive computer swaps from displaying NDL time remaining, to indicating TTS (Time To Surface). My question is what algorythm is used to estimate this value? Obviously at any given moment we know the super saturation of all of the tissue compartments, so we know how far over the limiting saturation they are, but i am wondering what estimate of inert gradient is used to effectively estimate the time it takes to off-gas those tissues back down to below the limit value? In effect (for a constant breathing gas mix), at what depth does it consider the off-gassing to occur? It would i guess make some sense to consider the current ceiling depth as this depth cannot be breached. This also means that as the diver ascends towards that ceiling, off-gassing, and the ceiling rises, the TTS also falls as both the tissue saturation falls but the availabel off-gassing gradients increase?

Once a critical tissue compartment saturation exceeds the chosen surfacing limit M value we have moved from a No Stop profile to a manditory Decompression profile. (I don't really like the term "no decompression limit" (NDL) because all dives involve decompression, it's just for an NDL dive you don't have to stop to achieve that off-gassing)
At this point, your dive computer swaps from displaying NDL time remaining, to indicating TTS (Time To Surface). My question is what algorythm is used to estimate this value? Obviously at any given moment we know the super saturation of all of the tissue compartments, so we know how far over the limiting saturation they are, but i am wondering what estimate of inert gradient is used to effectively estimate the time it takes to off-gas those tissues back down to below the limit value? In effect (for a constant breathing gas mix), at what depth does it consider the off-gassing to occur? It would i guess make some sense to consider the current ceiling depth as this depth cannot be breached. This also means that as the diver ascends towards that ceiling, off-gassing, and the ceiling rises, the TTS also falls as both the tissue saturation falls but the availabel off-gassing gradients increase?