A lot of you know 5th d divers have run cave line at the average depth of 100' around the entire western side of Elliott Bay . The south line we refer to as the Alki Express which last year at this time we pushed it to 10k . On Sunday the 12th , a fine group of divers gathered up for our longest attempt at running line. Our goal was to push past our 9k mark out into the 11k range running north on what we call the Wheaton Tollway .
Meeting at 6:30 a.m. surface manager for the event Kurt Kath began setting up the beach with help from Larry,Doug,Eric,Charles & Nikki . Set up dives started right away with the 6k set up team of Ray,Brett,& Chris departing at 7:20 to drop stages for the primary team . The 3k team of Lauryn & John left at 7:30 to set up the 3k drop . Jon Breazile & Steve Coffman installed the deco line from 70' to 20' on the south side of cove two . As the 3k & 6k teams returned to deco they were supported by Geof,Lamont, & Raul .
The 6k team had quite the challenge around 4k they repaired a line break and shortly thereafter Chris's scooter went down . Brett then towed him out to 6k made the stage drops and towed Dutty all the way back over 1 mile. Awesome!
At 9:15 the primary team of Walter,Joe Rad and I left for a three hour cruise . Leaving the I Beams we passed over mini mee,xmas tree,jack in the box and made our first stage drop at 3k, from there we passed Breazile's Breach,Peo's revenge,the fault lines up to the northern ridge and our next stage drop at 6k . Then proceed past Joe's Garage and the Krispy kremes arriving at our 9k stage drop . This is where we started laying new line . We know out this point we've rounded the channel marker to Elliot Bay and are heading towards Alki Beach . After laying 1200' & 800' reels we turned the dive at 75 minutes . Round trip was a tad over 4 miles with the use of 9 stage bottles and 6 gavin scooters plus deco bottles . Total run time was 191 minutes . Deco was uneventful with support from the triox provo team and Brett,Chris,Steve and Jon . It was a beautiful day for a robust dive and it couldn't be done without all the great support we had . Our hats our off to these guys it made things go really smooth . Everybody involved has shown just how valuable DIR & GUE training is.