Tampa Boat Dive on Saturday, 10/23

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Emeryville, CA
Simbrooks and I will be in Tampa on Friday evening, October 22nd for the Sting and Annie Lennox concert (disclaimer: Simbrooks is not, never has been and never will be an Annie Lennox fan, he is going for the Sting part). We thought we would just stay in Tampa that evening and try to get some dives in on Saturday. We thought it would be great to organize a boat load of SB members. Anyone interested? We would be up for a morning and/or afternoon boat trip to make the most of our time in Tampa. Neither of us have done any boat dives from that area, so we are definitely open to suggestions. Thanks! Rebecca
just a kittke note: there will bea huricane there that weekend or a threat of one.

need to wait till winter to be sure it is safe from storms.

unless things change drastically, we won't be getting the hurricane, however, it has been overcast/drizzly all day and is only expected to get worse as the storm gets closer.

also, the diving over here isn't good. the boat has to go out for hours and the viz is 35ft. on a good day.

good thought, though.
just a kittke note: there will bea huricane there that weekend or a threat of one.

need to wait till winter to be sure it is safe from storms.


Are you sure you looked at the date correctly? I am asking about October not September. If you did read the date correctly, then I amazed that you can predict a hurricane that far ahead in advance, and during the non hurricane season to boot! :wink:
I've used Dive Clearwater everytime I've gone, but their website is down, so I don't know if they're still in business, they ran a boat called the Plunger... maybe someone else can chime in.

Just FYI, the divng off Clearwater is bland, not quite as colorful or numerous as SFL/Keys, but it's still a dive.

I've used Dive Clearwater everytime I've gone, but their website is down, so I don't know if they're still in business, they ran a boat called the Plunger... maybe someone else can chime in.

Just FYI, the divng off Clearwater is bland, not quite as colorful or numerous as SFL/Keys, but it's still a dive.


I have dived a few boats in this area the new kid on the block is reef tours. A good boat and crew but unless you pay a premium you will not get to the better dive sites (all ops are the same). If you do use them be sure to tell them you don't want to do the aeroplane barge (a lousy dive)
and during the non hurricane season to boot! :wink:

hurricane season lasts until november, doesn't it?
Man, I feel for you guys in Florida, best of luck with all these hurricanes.
The latest revision of NOAA's prediction for storms this October based on current events this year:

Oct. 2004 Probability

Named Storm 26%
Hurricane 15%
Intense Hurricane 5%
I've used Dive Clearwater everytime I've gone, but their website is down, so I don't know if they're still in business, they ran a boat called the Plunger... maybe someone else can chime in.

Just FYI, the divng off Clearwater is bland, not quite as colorful or numerous as SFL/Keys, but it's still a dive.


The Plunger is being replaced. I can provide 2 recommendations out of Clearwater if you PM me.

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