Talk Like a Pirate Day is on again!!!

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My 4 year old son's favorite joke...

What is a pirate's favorite restarant?

Aaarrrrby's !!!

So... this pirate is walking down the pier, and i just couldn't stop looking at him...
Here he is walking down the pier with this ship's wheel in his pants...
I keep staring and staring, trying to figure out what the deal is, and he starts eyeing me back...
"Can I help ye, matey?" he asks.
"This may sound weird, but I just have to know...that's the craziest outfit in the world...a ship's wheel in your pants?"
"Aye matey, tis a ship's wheel in me pants. It's drivin' me nuts."

I got one!

What Star Wars character is really a pirate?

Hmmm...according to the pirate name site, my new name is Pirate Pete the Malformed.

Sounds more like a down-on-his-luck porn star instead. :)
Iron Davey Flint. not so bad I guess.

"Captain" Iron Davey THAT has a ring to it:wink:
Lovely. My pirate name is BRUCE. Simply lovely.

(and for those who know pirate lore from the 70s and 80s, I am not, repeat not "Bruce From Irvine.")

BTW: Does anyone know the branch of science that deals with the study of pirate language? ...
My pirate name is:

Black Jack Kidd

Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

Everyone needs one!

however, according to this place: I'm
Stinkin' Hester Sparrow.

Black Jack!:11: Tis I yer kin by all accounts:confused: (at least according to pirate quiz) Bloody Sam Kidd!!:14: How be ye? We keelhauled mum and sis a fornight ago:( . Told em about not washin the dishes after the cat ate off of em and servin us. Dad is still in prison but will be gettin out in day or so for his hangin! Arrgh! He really likes the fresh air and swingin will give him plenty o it til the noose cuts it off and breaks his neck:hanged: . I got me a new wench for me birthday . She's a right buxom lass. She should settle down enough to be untied in a day or so. Still have the old one also but she's gettin a bit long in the tooth. Almost 22 ya know. Ha ye seen brother Bart lately? I know he's still on the run but he said he'd stop in to mooch off of... Er.. I mean see ya in a while. Polly died last night. Well actually I kilt him. A little too much grog and he would not shut up. Bloody pieces of eight my arse! Pieces of parrot for breakfast me thinks! Did ye remember to change yer eye? The sawbones said that wax one would only last for a bit? I thought I had a bad problem with me brain. I kept goin in circles it seemed. Turns out all it was was a tack in me peg an it would stick on the deck an round and round I'd go.:shakehead. I did get a new hook though. Shiny as uncle Bob's noggin! Brass and steel it is with a wicked sharp curve. Unscrews it does unlike the old one since that bit o trouble two years ago when I got that itch in me privates and the resultin loss of one of the boys:shocked:. Speakin o which have ye healed up yet from that unprovoked attack by that girl ye jilted at the altar? That was a good'un ye pulled boy:devious: . Takin liberties with her sister in back o the chapel durin the rehearsal . And then with her mum the day o the weddin . But then she was a fine handsome women herself. A little broad in the beam but with a good firm deck and well shaped stern! Nose like a bowsprit but then agin none o us were eyen her nose:wink: .Aaargh! I'll be a goin now. the tides in, and the wind is pickin up, an I gotta make a deposit in davey jones's eye:flush: ! Write soon! (when ye learn how that is.) yer lovin brother Bloody Sam

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