You want to really and totally insult your LDS?! :upset: This is very touchy point, and you could see the worst possible reactions. Other suggestions...
(1) With the exception of the computer, get a printed bid from L-Pro. Then, go to the LDS and offer something like this: "I don't want to spend more than I have to, but then - I realize that local services are important, too. Can you give me a package discount?" I'll bet you'll get an impressive bid :$: and perhaps good reason why they might suggest alternate brands and/or equipment choices.
(2) Before you do that, though - you might use the Scuba Board SEARCH option, a neally nifty tool, to search comments on L-Pro, in all fourms. I'll bet that you'll get hundreds, but don't be put off. Look over several - especially from forums dealing with your equipment options. You might find lots of reasons to avoid L-Pro. :struck: Be especially watchful for information on how L-Pro deals with warranty claims, if they do at all?
After all that, then if you still buy from L-Pro, then you'll know more what you're getting into, and - you can say that you gave the LDS a chance, at least. Then be prepared to pay for any services you get from LDS on L-Pro purchased equipment. Remeber that your Octo-reg and BC must be serviced annually, and - you might go to DAN and search equipment related deaths and injuries. I think you'll find that the Octo-reg and BC are common problems - which can be prevented. I had a first stage fail once :scared: but my LDS took care of it for free. (I was one of the ones who caused the recent Oceanic worldwide recall.)
Now, I do buy things from an on-line company (not sure about SB rules here? I hope the moderator will edit this if needed, and not eraser it? :scratch: ) Bought my second computer and a camera that way, and then - when my LDS didn't have a $6 thermometer, and wouldn't order it right away, I put in another $60 order to the on-line today. But I give LDSs in Amarillo and Lubbock both a chance, first.
Well, you asked... Good luck!