So, all is said and done, and it was a very good service. The minister, Em's aunt, incorporated a story for us at the beginning telling of our love of SCUBA, then proceeded to tell us how our lives together parallel to diving. She was quite thorough, and you could tell she put a lot of thought and research into it until one point. Mind you, at this point, I'm trying not to laugh on stage, and she tells us, Marriage is like a wetsuit, which needs to fit correctly. If it's too loose, you loose the proctection it provides, too tight it cuts off much needed circulation. I stopped myself from saying, Well, I pee in my wetsuit when it gets too cold, what does that say about marriage? All in all it was a great service, and there were a lucky few off the board in attendance (Jamie, Clint and Ethan, but I forget the last two s/n's). Now off to Puerto Rico early Tuesday morning, then we'll be back to the ol' swamp.