Tablerock on the 16th

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Only one of the sites we dived had less than 20 ft. viz, and that was back in a low-flow cove. Of course, I'm omitting the 5 ft. thick thermocline that had less than 1 ft. viz.

On our deep dives (50 ft. depth down to 100 ft.) we had viz of easily 30-40 ft., both at the dam and along the wall near point 1. Shallow water viz varied, but was mostly 15-20 ft. at the better sites.

Sorry I didn't make it. I have problems with the alarm and didn't get up till late. I ended up making the shorter drive to mermet springs. I wish I could have made it down to Table rock but I didn't want to get there at 12 or 1. Mermet allowed for 3 dives the longest one being 1 hour. Vis was great 20'-30' getting better over by the train car. I look forward to hearing about the dives.
Let's hear about what everybody found. :)

Garbage? All I found was cans and bottles, some gasket cement and a big cinder block with 3 pvc tubes coming out of it. I'm not sure what it was supposed to be, but it looked like somebody put some effort into it.
Let's hear about what everybody found. :)

Lots of cans & trash. One of the guys on our boat did find 2 anchors and a cell phone.

I thought the vis from 35' to 65' was pretty good. I was wishing I was on a leisure dive with a big light instead of on a mission picking up trash.

Thank you, to Louis/Scuba Sports & all the other people that donated prizes (especially that extra coozie I won for not winning anything)

I'll be back next year!

The thing about tablerock is that you find different vis in the same areas. I've seen it where you had 30 feet in one area, and 10 in another.

I know on our last dive that DrRobb and I turned our lights on so we could keep track of each other, but that wasn't an area you'd dive for fun. Below the thermocline it was much better and opened up quite a bit, going in it was bad enough that without a light you didn't know you'd hit the bottom until you hit it. That was Sunday morning of course, the areas we dove Saturday was better I think. That was the day I believe you were on the boat with us.

I carried 2 lights, a small LED type I turn on to let my buddy know where I'm at, and a small backup I used to look in darker areas. It helped find some trash.

I thought some of the steel cans were interesting in how badly they rust out, so much so that you can't touch them without creating a cloud of dust from what was a can.
Let's hear about what everybody found. :)

Found an Adidas watch - still running and correct time! - out by Jake's Point Island in about 20'. Has large display, so might have to try it as a bottom timer. Had a great time and already looking forward to next year. Thanks to all that made this event a success, including the drivers of the Ducks. (Gotta get one of those! What a great dive vehicle.)

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