Tablerock on the 16th

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Moberly, MO
I'm coming down for the fun on the 17th, got the room and all at Rocklane and will be there on Friday the 16th. I'm looking for buddies who might want to dive Dewey Point on Friday afternoon and maybe Sunday morning.

The times are a bit hazy on Friday because it depends on when I get there, but I anticipate arriving in time to dive around 3 PM or later. Sunday could be most anytime that morning.

Any takers?

PS, anybody doing a boat together during the cleanup?
I'm coming down for the fun on the 17th, got the room and all at Rocklane and will be there on Friday the 16th. I'm looking for buddies who might want to dive Dewey Point on Friday afternoon and maybe Sunday morning.

The times are a bit hazy on Friday because it depends on when I get there, but I anticipate arriving in time to dive around 3 PM or later. Sunday could be most anytime that morning.

Any takers?

PS, anybody doing a boat together during the cleanup?

I'll be there and I had mentioned that everyone from Scubaboard should get a boat together. I know several people from this board and are planning on going. I should be there by 3pm on Friday and I'd be interested in a dive Sunday as well.

A buddy and I will be there saturday morning. We are staying in the camp grounds by the marina. We are looking for boat buddys.
How about we agree to all meet at say 7 to 7:30 Saturday morning, or call each other Friday evening and work out the times to meet, this would give us at least 4 scubaboard buddies for a boat.

I don't know yet what room number I'm getting so I can't say meet at room such and such, but if you want to call (660)651-5316 you should be able to catch me and we could setup a place to meet. I'd think in front of the ramp would be easiest to find for everybody.

Robb, sounds like you'd be up for some diving with me. My goals are to make at least 2 dives Friday, I'd like 3 Sunday but don't know I can do that. Whatever I do get will be great. I don't much care what we see, I just want to get wet is all.
I'm coming down for the fun on the 17th, got the room and all at Rocklane and will be there on Friday the 16th. I'm looking for buddies who might want to dive Dewey Point on Friday afternoon and maybe Sunday morning.

The times are a bit hazy on Friday because it depends on when I get there, but I anticipate arriving in time to dive around 3 PM or later. Sunday could be most anytime that morning.

Any takers?

PS, anybody doing a boat together during the cleanup?

I won't get in until about 11pm Fri night.

Meeting Sat morning in front of the Marina sounds good to me. I plan on parking my vehicle down there earily anyway to get a good parking spot.
Red Avalanche (WKNDBUM) plates or Honda Pilot (wife's ride).

Doubt if I'll dive Sunday, too long of a drive back to Omaha.

The registration area is going to be near that area as well, I just talked to Scuba Sports to find out the important stuff, but it's not going to be that close to the ramp area so we should be good in that area.

So far it's looking good for our numbers, we'll have to be sure and stick together to insure we get a boat together and not get split up, might make a request when we register that we stay as a group.
Let us know how the viz checks out. It seems I read about more and more divers complaining about reduced viz at Tablerock.
I will not make it down there till sometime between 8-10. I home to leave St. Louis around 5 or 6am. But I am not staying at Indian Point I am over by Table Rock State Park.
I'll try to post back what I find, I'm planning on diving at Dewey Point this afternoon, I'm here already and as soon as Robb gets here I'll try to catch up with him and we'll do a dive.

Beyond that, it sounds like we'll have a boat that has 6 to 8 divers allowed on it, so we'll want to be sure to get to registration early enough to try and get us all together on one boat.

I'll be wearing a Red T shirt that says Art's on it, see you guys here.
Vis today was anywhere from a couple feet to maybe 10 or so where we dived today. All things considered the vis didn't make things any less fun, so even though it was mostly picking up garbage it was worth the trip.

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