I wonder why you now refer to a security rule. I though there was no rule!!!
My apologies 2.22%/0.65%=3.415 not 4X Faster :mooner:
“During my latest trimix dive, 190ft 15min bottom, my OTU was 52, my CNS was 20% (Tx 20/27, EanX42, EanX95)”
You dive 190ft form 15min on 20/27 resulting in a PO2=1.36. Why are you diving one way and advocating ridiculous/dangerous exposures on the other?
Why are you bounce diving(15min)???
” To get a CNS of 100%, I need to stay 75 min bottom, near 3 hours total. But I will be out of gaz”
Have you actually completed this dive like this, or the math? You only need around 50min BT to get to 100%, or don’t you use that lovely “stroke mixes” you blended for deco?
You clearly don't know the difference between CNS and OTU.
1) CNS at 1.6 is 2.22%/min, 45min/day
2)at PpO2 1.6, you store 1.92 Otu/min, so to accumulate 850 OTU, you need to be exposed 442 minutes at 1.6 , so 7h22 - No you can't. Single 1.6 exposures is only 45min. What point are you trying to make here!!!
By having a CNS of 800% you WILL exceed your OTU resulting in lung damages (pulmonary oxygen toxicity).
V-Planner 3.89 par Ross Hemingway,
VPM code-programme par Erik C. Baker.
Modèle de décompression: VPM - B
Intervalle de surface = 1 jours 0 hr 0 min.
Altitude = 0ft
Conservatisme = + 2
Desc à 190ft (1) Trimix 20/27 100ft/min Descente.
Niveau 190ft 73:06 (75) Trimix 20/27 1.35 ppO2, 117ft ead, 130ft end
Rem. à 120ft (77) Trimix 20/27 -33ft/min Remontée.
Palier à 120ft 0:53 (78) Trimix 20/27 0.93 ppO2, 70ft ead, 79ft end
Palier à 110ft 2:00 (80) Trimix 20/27 0.87 ppO2, 63ft ead, 71ft end
Palier à 100ft 4:00 (84) Trimix 20/27 0.80 ppO2, 56ft ead, 64ft end
Palier à 90ft 5:00 (89) Trimix 20/27 0.74 ppO2, 49ft ead, 57ft end
Palier à 80ft 4:00 (93) Nitrox 42 1.44 ppO2, 50ft ead
Palier à 70ft 4:00 (97) Nitrox 42 1.31 ppO2, 43ft ead
Palier à 60ft 6:00 (103) Nitrox 42 1.18 ppO2, 35ft ead
Palier à 50ft 9:00 (112) Nitrox 42 1.06 ppO2, 28ft ead
Palier à 40ft 12:00 (124) Nitrox 42 0.93 ppO2, 21ft ead
Palier à 30ft 18:00 (142) Nitrox 42 0.80 ppO2, 13ft ead
Palier à 20ft 16:00 (158) Nitrox 95 1.52 ppO2, 0ft ead
Palier à 12ft 39:00 (197) Nitrox 95 1.29 ppO2, 0ft ead
Surface (197) Nitrox 95 -33ft/min Remontée.
Le dégazage commence à 145.4ft
OTU pour cette plongée: 265
CNS Total: 102.8%
Single 1.6 exposures is only 45min.
> By having a CNS of 800% you WILL exceed your OTU resulting in lung damages (pulmonary oxygen toxicity).
to have a CNS of 800% at PpO2 1.6, you need to stay 800% / 2.22% = 360.36 min
your OTU will be 360.36 min * 1.92 = 691.89 OTU
The recommanded limit is 850 OTU for one day, 1400 for 2 days
i gave you some references.
give me your references proving automatic damages to lungs when exceeding 100%, and automatic nervous problems when exceeding PpO2 1.6 more than 45 minutes.
CNS : central nervous system. Paul Bert. Neurologic toxicity
OTU : oxygen toxicity unit. Lorrain-Smith . Pulmonary toxicity
These 2 counters are separate
My confusion ?