I hope this doesn't turn into the all too common DIR flame war but...
I would like to start a conversation about the pros and cons of switching which post ones dry suit and wing inflator hose is connected to, from the "standard" technical standard of right post for wing and left post for dry suit to putting the wing on the left post and the dry suit on the right post. NAUI is apparently changing their NTEC (NAUI Technical Equipment Configuration) to reflect this change soon.
The most significant argument for this change I heard (or understood at my level) is that in the event of a roll off (left post) you would be in better shape loosing your wing inflation than your dry suit inflation. The argument went thusly:
In order to have a roll off you are in an overhead environment, such as a cave, and have contact with the ceiling. The most likely way to have this contact is when entering a descending section of cave/wreck from either a horizontal or ascending section (eg when swimming over a hump or restriction then heading down hill) and bumping the ceiling as it slopes down towards you. In this case you are descending in a head down position. As you descend, as we all know, you get increasingly negative and accelerate downwards unless air is added to one of your two (usually both) buoyancy control mechanisms: dry suit and wing. If one was to loose the wing, buoyancy could be controlled by adding air to the dry suit. However if dry suit inflation capability is lost, one might become so pinched in the descent as to restrict or prevent movement and therefore be unable to inflate the wing or perform any other activity.
I'm sure there are other arguements both for and against this configuration. I'd be interested in hearing them. Let me preempt any posts that might mention it by saying that obviously team consensus should be followed and if everyone else on the team is wing-on-right-post that should be a primary consideration.
I would like to start a conversation about the pros and cons of switching which post ones dry suit and wing inflator hose is connected to, from the "standard" technical standard of right post for wing and left post for dry suit to putting the wing on the left post and the dry suit on the right post. NAUI is apparently changing their NTEC (NAUI Technical Equipment Configuration) to reflect this change soon.
The most significant argument for this change I heard (or understood at my level) is that in the event of a roll off (left post) you would be in better shape loosing your wing inflation than your dry suit inflation. The argument went thusly:
In order to have a roll off you are in an overhead environment, such as a cave, and have contact with the ceiling. The most likely way to have this contact is when entering a descending section of cave/wreck from either a horizontal or ascending section (eg when swimming over a hump or restriction then heading down hill) and bumping the ceiling as it slopes down towards you. In this case you are descending in a head down position. As you descend, as we all know, you get increasingly negative and accelerate downwards unless air is added to one of your two (usually both) buoyancy control mechanisms: dry suit and wing. If one was to loose the wing, buoyancy could be controlled by adding air to the dry suit. However if dry suit inflation capability is lost, one might become so pinched in the descent as to restrict or prevent movement and therefore be unable to inflate the wing or perform any other activity.
I'm sure there are other arguements both for and against this configuration. I'd be interested in hearing them. Let me preempt any posts that might mention it by saying that obviously team consensus should be followed and if everyone else on the team is wing-on-right-post that should be a primary consideration.