While I have never tried to frog kick with the long "freediving" Fins, but have used and worn out two pairs. They work great for Scuba diving IF you are not frog kicking. In my opinion, because of their length, they are not appropriate for frog kicking, as they will place a lot of strain on both the knee and ankle.
The long fins were originally developed for finswimming competition before the monofin came into use for tinswimming. The long fins were also used in underwater orienteering competitions. Both of these were sanctioned sport competitions of the World Underwater Federation (CMAS).
The frog kick was originally developed for cave diving where it is imperative to control both buoyancy and not kick down so as to disturb the very fine bottom sediment, causing a blackout, possible disorientation, and the possibility of running out of air before finding the way out of the cave. This frog kick has become "the" kick taught because technical divers like it for the above reason. But frog kick is a very inefficient kick for actually propelling the diver forward. I have seen divers practicing their frog kick in our local pool, and they barely move forward. In any kind of current, they would move backward.
So use The long fins with Scuba, but not with the frog kick, is my recommendation.