Suunto Vytec and USN Tables compared

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Originally posted by WreckWriter
I believe the Vytec and Nitek 3 WILL lock out after violation
I want to make sure I know which nit your picking on.

Yes, some of the computers we are discussing will lock out if you totally blow their ascent profile (aka go above their recommended ceilings and not return back to depth when they flash an error).

But if we were to follow what I think of at this moment (remember, lack of experience in this, but getting there) as a slightly more conservative ascent profile such as your V-planner, then the chance of violating the computer is (and I'm guessing) slim.

As far as the Vytec locking out...I gotta refer to the user manual again. And I guess I could always see if I can cause a lockout using the SIMDIVE since I don't plan on diving until Sunday, which is enough time (aka >48 hrs) for it to come out of lockout.

And I want to run the SIMDIVE using the acent profile from V-planner you posted to see what happens.

Good discussion here.....
Originally posted by TexasMike
I want to make sure I know which nit your picking on.

Yes, some of the computers we are discussing will lock out if you totally blow their ascent profile (aka go above their recommended ceilings and not return back to depth when they flash an error).

That's what's meant by a "lockout". My Vyper is still locked out (at least it was last night) after it got bent Sunday afternoon....

Originally posted by TexasMike
As far as the Vytec locking out...I gotta refer to the user manual again. And I guess I could always see if I can cause a lockout using the SIMDIVE since I don't plan on diving until Sunday, which is enough time (aka >48 hrs) for it to come out of lockout.

And I want to run the SIMDIVE using the acent profile from V-planner you posted to see what happens.

Good discussion here.....

Surely it's not so "well designed" that a simulated dive can actually lock the puter? I do think that running the v-planner profile in water would lock it solid, particularly since my v-planner is set to give shallow stop at 20' instead of 10'.

Yea, good discussion.

I'm in the middle of a bunch of stuff (including moving to new apartment) so it might be a bit before I take a break and run your posted V-planner profile through the SIMDIVE.

But I will do my best to do it soon and report the results.
I got a quick reply from the fellow "in charge" out at Bikini....

Thanks for your e-mail. It is not a question of what computers we will "allow", it is more of a question as to what computers will actually work when you are doing repetitive decompression diving on Bikini Atoll. Our recommended/not recommended lists are based on actual experience with computers on Bikini. If someone shows up with a "not recommended" computer, we will allow them to use it, and we will also be happy to rent them a Nitek3 when their "not recommended" computer fails...and it will. As far as I know no one has dove Bikini with a Suunto Vytec.

I would love to join your discussion board, but I am on vavcation now in the U.S. with my family, so I don't have a lot of time on my hands. Perhaps when I return to Majuro I will be able to partake.

Jack Niedenthal
Tourism Operations Manager
for the People of Bikini
that the Suuntos they prefer there are of the non-RGBM variety... unless Spyders use the RGBM algorithm and I am unaware of it. I would assume the Vytec would not be preferred as it is RGBM.

From what I've heard, you basically follow the DM's lead at Bikini, and you better have a computer that won't get bent mid-week. I know of three computers that have had much success there. VR3, Nitek3, and Status II. I'll probably go with the Status II and take a stop watch and spare bottom timer.

Anyone notice the wings he was using (in the picture)? :eek:ut:
Be nice if you did a sim dive with gas switches:

150' 30mins
70' switch to 50%
20' switch to 100%

like to see what you get....I have a VR3 but may need to look at something else....

also add some deep stops at 100' and up every 10 feet for about one minute...


Brian Faure
Austin Texas
PS I am a TDI deco diver so I have done this type of dive many times.....
I would have to say that in comparisson to other computers like the Uwatec Air 2 computers, the Cobra was very conservative. I dive with Brian in Austin and we have done some dives in Lake Travis and on our deco stop we were very far apart on the amount of time required to stay at stop depth. If I remember correctly he was able to go up after only 15 minutes and I had to stay for 25-30 minutes.

Note this was for a very short Deco dive, nothing like the advanced deco dives mentioned here in the thread. That was for a dive to 130 feet for something like 5 or so minutes... just enough to put computer into deco.

However, I just sold my Cobra and got the new Vytec. I am looking forward to testing out the deco capabilities and the mixed gases change ability.

History of my dive experience: PDIC Instructor, diving since 1978, with Coast Guard diving experience (basically like Advanced Open Water, nothing like US Navy divers level), getting ready to start all the advanced Deco training, Member of the local County Sheriff Dive Team.

This is a great thread. Looking forward to seeing how this continues and what we all can learn from this. Maybe we could get someone from Suunto to reply to the deco diving capabilities of the Vytec. I will see if they are willing to expand on the manual and tell us more.... :wink:

If there are any objections let me know.

Thanks and keep up the great conversation.

Gregg Smith
PDIC Instructor
Austin, TX
I've put a mosquito in deco by slightly exceeding the NDL's at 100' and didn't get a 30 minute ascent time. It was less than 10 minute if I remember correctly.
Now, tell me again why it's bad that my computer (that I've figuratively/literally staked my life on) is "too conservative" compared to another brand or model.

If I don't like what it's telling me then I just decide it ain't no good and I should get one that's more liberal, yes?

Ok then, what about the tables that we cut? Do we decide one model may be too conservative, too, and keep looking for another that gives us more bottom-time?

Sure, I'd love to drive a Ferrari (and fast) everywhere I go, but I can also kill myself in a Yugo going at a walking-pace if I hit a litepole just right. It's not what a tool can do, but what we choose to do with it.

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