I had an interesting experience with my wife's Vyper and my Cobra this past weekend. I wore the Vyper on my wrist and the Cobra was cliped off on one of my Ranger's hip D-rings. I must admit that I pushed the limits of both computers, but what was interesting was that the Cobra went into deco once on the second dive of a 3 dive day, and Vyper did not. Granted the Vyper got within a minute of deco, so I assume it was all about postion, the Cobra was probably a little deeper than the Vyper resulting in the deco. The Cobra went out of deco before I ever reached my first planned stop at 30ft, so no big deal. But what was interesting was that while I was doing an extended safety stop at 15ft, I checked the Consumed Bottom Time on the Vyper and I wasn't even registering on the scale. Not a single notch. Anyone care to explain why? I know I had to have been loaded pretty good with nitrogen, since I had just came out of deco. I also checked the Cobra, with the same results. I checked it several other times on other dives, and always got the same result. Granted I usually didn't think about it until the later part of the dive (since I was diving nitrox and you have to switch screens to see the CBT), and on most of the dives, I spent at least 10 minutes at 15ft. Is it possible that I had completely decompressed with only a 10 minute stop at 15ft?