Survival Kit for Basic Divers on SB

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Really working hard to fall off that list - eh?
I want to see a tank explode....


hey, man, don't joke! zombie divers are a very real threat.

Yes, given the impending and inevitable rise of the dead we divers will be at the forefront of the conflict - get yer lobotomisers ready!

Please make sure you tell every new diver this when meeting them for the first time. It's only fair.
I know of 2 SB'resses here would kill to get that tank :D

I, personally, would love that tank! :D
Overall good attempt. I think maybe we should add a "survival guide for new ScubaBoard users" to better help navigate these waters.

1) A discussion isn't worth reading until it's been cross-threaded (i.e. the content of the original post deemed entirely incorrect due to incompatible and often incomprehensible reasons which are them promulgated throughout the remainder).

2) The number of 'thanks' a post receives is generally indicative of the number of times a subject has been beat to death. This is particularly true if the thanked post is also the thread starters' Original Post.

3) Each thread has a maximum number of pertinent posts. Once that 'critical mass' has been reached (often around post #2), the thread will explode into a mass of either repetitive or irrelevant drivel. Many 'thanks' will follow.

5) No one on ScubaBoard can count.

6) Everything that can be discussed has been discussed. Consequently, if you have a question, use the search function rather than starting your own thread (after all, bits are a precious commodity). However, do not reply to the thread if it's more than one month old.

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