Eric Sedletzky
Many would say that an LDS nine states away is their local shop, the goods being dropped at their doorstep at a great price with no shipping and no tax.
The one problem that still hasn't been worked out are those darn air fills.
Maybe local fire departments can get into the act and start selling fills to the public to help fund the maintenance on their compressors which
now is a dead expense on the municipalities' coffers.
Or we might start seeing more mobile air stations set up at popular dive sites on the weekends.
The one problem that still hasn't been worked out are those darn air fills.
Maybe local fire departments can get into the act and start selling fills to the public to help fund the maintenance on their compressors which
now is a dead expense on the municipalities' coffers.
Or we might start seeing more mobile air stations set up at popular dive sites on the weekends.