The sonar issue will get us quite a ways off topic, but I would advise looking at more recent sources for information with regard to the history of
Navy sonar and marine mammal strandings (2002 is old news). I yahooed
whale stranding navy sonar and the first 4 results appear to be relevant.
I would take them out of order, starting with #2;
Navy's use of sonar suspected in near-stranding of whales - The Boston Globe
This article was after the Navy finally admitted that the July 3, 2004 Kauai mass stranding of melon-headed whales did happen shortly after 2 ships turned on their sonar. Below is the NOAA statement at that time.
"At this point, we still know very little about what might have made those whales behave so unusually," said Donna Wieting, chief of the Marine Mammal Conservation Division of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service. "But saying that sonar played no role might be a premature determination. Even if we can't establish a clear cause and effect, we're having these coincidences [of unusual and sometimes deadly] marine mammal behavior around sonar, and we have to ask why."
Report cites Navy sonar in whale stranding
This article concerns the release of NOAA's report
after their investigation of the Kauai incident, with their conclusion quoted below.
"While the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists said they could not definitely state that sonar caused the strandings, they said extensive study led them to the conclusion that there was no other likely cause."
Whale Stranding in N.C. Followed Navy Sonar Use (
This article is about a more recent stranding involving 3 different kinds of whales.
Finally, #3 is from the NRDC, a conservation activist group, with a short Pierce Brosnan narrated video. The historically signifigant strandings are mentioned as well as some of the science behind active sonar.
NRDC: Protecting Whales from Dangerous Sonar
Historically, Navy's have used mid-frequency sonar and if you believe them most strandings are due to this sonar. Many countries are developing low-frequency devices which maintain their intensity much farther. It's widely believed that this technology is patterned after Humpback song, which evidently communicates between Hawaii and Mexico (song progression?).
Given our history (mankind) of not revealing military testing untill well after the fact, it would not supprise me if some of the strandings were due LFR testing.
If anyone makes it this far in my post, getting back on topic, without EIS's for Maui, Kauai and the Big Island the fat lady has not sung and 2007 is very optomistic for the Ferry IMHO.