On a similar vein, and not to hijack the thread, the lake formed by the damming of the Deerfield river in southern Vermont flooded an entire town! I'm pretty sure it's called Lake Wittington and is a popular swimming/boating/fishing lake. There are supposed to be many buildings down there, some up to 3 stories! I read about this while reading a history of the Hoosac Tunnel, Wilmington Railroad. The RR was laid out towrds the end of the centry to bring lumber to teh factories of the Deerfield River Valley. THe builders built the Hoosac Tunnel, the greatest engineerig marvel of it's day, by blasting thru 4 miles of granite mountain. The RR was in operation as a freight RR for about 20 years. Eventually they decided it was more cost effective to dam the river and build the factories there and so that's what they did, flooding several small towns in the process. I'd be all over the idea of heading up there for a weekend if anyone esle is game. Don't know of any scuba shops in the area, I found one online over the winter and wrote them but never heard back. It's in the Wilmington,VT area.
Buehler? Buehler?