dive 3 or 4 times a week got dang! Some people have all the fun....................
A trick i used to use after surfing for my oneil 3/2 full suit, After taking it in the shower to rise off the salt, i spun some beach towels around ( you know, like ur gonna whip someone in the locker room.....) and put one for both legs ( kinda bent like a horshoe) and one going across for the arms. In my experience the lower parts or the suit always stay damp the longest ( arm and ankle cuffs) due to the water bleeding down from the top of the suit. About half a day, and the suits mostly dry and the towels go in the dryer, no nasty funk i n the bathroom from drying wetsuit and voila no ticked off mom telling me to hang it outside ( on the 15th floor of our complex? i think not) Dont know if this will work for a thicker suit, maybe have to change towels frequently. Oh yeah, sun made my old oniell reactor spring suit lose alot of elasticity, suit seemed to flush out all the time. will nvr leave a suit to dry on the beach again....