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Hi Caloy,

Yeah, 'New' Bahura (the tagalog stuck in my mind, sorry :wink: ) has some absolutely ripping currents. I've dived it 2x, out of ~5 attempts, its usually too strong to dive there. My first suggestion is the right boatman, I think you are an Aquaventure regular also Caloy (if i remember right) and I usually go with Junior for this and Mapating, though I guess Mapating has a Buoy now. Not easy to find the right spot to anchor at New Bahura I guess, some bankeros have simply refused when I asked them to try.

My first dive there was a hand over hand descent down the anchor line and then jamming my knife into a rock and flapping like a flag in the breeze for 20 minutes! The second was, amazingly, almost without current.

The dive itself consists of a bunch of big 'rocks'; most the size of say 3 tennis courts put together, some larger; that jut up from a sandy bottom. Depending on where the anchor catches you end up with a depth of between maybe 90 at a minium on top of the highest mounts. With little / moderate current you can swim from mount to mount across the open water in between. We went down deep toward the bottom of one of the mounts and we hit 145', looked like about 20 feet to go to the actual bottom. It's a very surreal dive with good viz, you see these big rocks that look like they were thrown there by the gods playing a game of jacks. The distances are very deceptive because of the huges size of the mounts, I thought it would take a minute of so to cross over to one to find that it actually took us about 5 minutes of very fast finning. When the current is running I am told it is a good place to see reef sharks, we didn't spot any but we did see eagle rays on one of the dives. The conditions are pretty good, coral ok, lots of big gorgonians taking advantage of the current (i have a 'fetish' for gorgonian fans, i really love them) and a fair number of fishies fighting to stay on the rocks just like you are!

Very cool dive , very strong currents, very deep - one that I'd like to do more often but the conditions don't seem to cooperate.

PS Midwestdvr, Basura and Bahura are very different meanings - though i honestly don't know the translation for bahura, if any. Help us out pinoys!

Swisstrav. You do backtrack a bit doing San Agapito point on the way to PG but I think it is well worth the extra 45 mins. You get to do the dive with a much smaller group and it will end up costing much less if there are a few of you. I did Balihibong Manok (chicken feather) on the way back from PG to Anilao, a good suggestion! Another is to go around the 'backside' of maricaban island and do Mapating (shark cave) on the way back to Anilao from PG.

cheers guys :)
Consulted the great internet for the means reef. Would like opinion on action divers, div vip, and deep blue sea inn. Will probably use aquaventure for the anilao portion of my trip (probably gonna be on a weekend then head over to PG).

Back to bagong bahura, since i take it it means new reef, is it an artificial reef?
I am gonna do a bunch more places...Dumaguete,Duain, maybe Malapascua too. Be fun to dive with SB members. Anyway PM me and maybe we could share some amazing dives. Kind regards Kevin :crafty:
Consulted the great internet for the means reef. Would like opinion on action divers, div vip, and deep blue sea inn. Will probably use aquaventure for the anilao portion of my trip (probably gonna be on a weekend then head over to PG).

Back to bagong bahura, since i take it it means new reef, is it an artificial reef?
I am gonna do a bunch more places...Dumaguete,Duain, maybe Malapascua too. Be fun to dive with SB members. Anyway PM me and maybe we could share some amazing dives. Kind regards Kevin :crafty:

415Gem, it would be nice to dive with SB members. Would like to see some of the SB Phil divers too. Will be in the PI Oct 14 but will head to baguio for a couple of days. It will probably be Oct 20th at the earliest when I can head out to PG or anilao. Will PM you for sure when dates become more concrete.
right on the button, hanging on the rope, hand over hand descent, biting onto your reg mouthpiece, equalizing with your free hand, currents ripping... yup that's the new bahura alright, uh oh...abort dive; ...jeez hanging on the rope, hand over hand ascent, biting onto......etc.. next time, til the next time.
I am planning on taking a group of about 15 divers to PG in April and would like to plan my diving a bit before I go. If we are staying in the Atlantis Hotel (wherever that is in PG I do not know yet!) are you saying the dive site at Isla Verde is about 30-40 minutes? And how about Anilao from PG?


Scuby Dooby:

I'll give you an idea that i've done a few times. Go to Anilao and stay for X days, then when you are ready to go to PG get a banca at your resort in Anilao to take you to PG via Verde Is and maybe sneak in a dive at mainit on the way (it'll be almost an hour SI before you arrive at verde anyway). At Verde I usually do at least 2 dives, its a beautiful spot. From what I remember we paid the bankero somewhere between 2 and 3K Pesos for this. I don't take a DM for these dives though, I know both sites pretty well. If you are not familiar with the spots I'd suggest bringing a DM along, they can both have challenging conditions (current / depth). Having a DM for the day would probably raise the cost from 1 - 1.5K depending on the resort / DM/DG.

When you are done diving have the banca drop you at Sabang (PG) - it's only about a 30 - 45 min trip from San Agapito point (Verde) to the main beach at Sabang. When you are done with the diving in PG just take the ferry back over to Batangas city and then a bus or taxi or pickup whatever to your next destination. Public transportation (if you are relying on it) in and out of PG is a hell of a lot easier than Anilao.

Don't waste a day of travel getting from Anilao to PG, make your transport a day of diving instead!

As to whether Anilao or Puerto Galera has better diving . . . well, I like both places but in my opinion Anilao wins. I think there is a greater diversity of dives and conditions in Anilao vs PG. Plus it's alot easier to call the shots in terms of where you go at Anilao. If you are filling a boat in PG then you can choose also - if not you'll see alot of the canyons, shark cave and hole in the wall! good dives, but it can be a bit repetitive.

Have fun!
if this is your first time to dive PG, then a trip to Verde is not necessary. the dive sites of Pg will keep you very busy!!!

Anilao PG would take you around an 1 hour and a half . not recommended. as the boat that crosses anilao /PG route would be larger and bulky than allowed for the diving around anilao. Plus there is a new local ordinance prohibiting unregistered boats of anilao to bring divers to the area.

I am planning on taking a group of about 15 divers to PG in April and would like to plan my diving a bit before I go. If we are staying in the Atlantis Hotel (wherever that is in PG I do not know yet!) are you saying the dive site at Isla Verde is about 30-40 minutes? And how about Anilao from PG?

I disagree Paolov, if I were going to PG I'd make sure to head over to Verde Island, it's among the best diving there and only about a 30 minute ride. When I've made the trip directly from Anilao to PG it hasn't been with 'large, bulky' boats but the standard dive bancas at the anilao resorts which we all know are perfectly suitable for diving. I wouldn't make this trip during the rainy season but with good weather during the winter / summer months I see no problem. I've done it 3 times and it's been a great time and money saver, giving me the chance to combine my travel with a days diving. Again, pay heed to the boatmen (make sure you have one with experience) and don't attempt the crossing in a small boat during rough weather / winds. Most of us know this can be a very bad piece of water and takes lives every couple of years it seems.

The ban on Anilao boats making the trip is new to me, how can they enforce it? Is it a ban coming from Mabini / Anilao or PG? After all, divers are heading over to Verde Island regularly, whats to stop them taking the short trip across to Sabang and dropping divers there? What about PG divers (especially tech divers) heading over to spots like mapating and new bahura? happens regularly also. I'm very interested to hear more about this.

cheers :)
I say if you want to invest the money and time to plan it, do it! Chip likes adventure.

But there is 15 of you and there is a lot of logistics to be involved. You'll need a big boat (or at least 2 regular outriggers) and at least 2 local guides to show you around the sites. You'll have all your travelling gear (diving and nondiving stuff) with you so you'll have to manage with limited space on the regular sized outriggers. The travelling time would be no problem since they will serve as your SIs anyway. I'll PM you a contact who might be able to help you out.

From your profile, it looks like you've been to a variety of places so, IMO, it would be nice to check out Anilao, Verde and PG. But as scuby dooby says, it might be a pain in the butt to travel in crappy weather.

Re-reading your post I also see that one of your questions is about doing dives in Anilao from Puerto Galera. If you decide to do this you'd probably be better off using a dive resort / DM from Anilao (people here could make a bunch of suggestions). When I bring up Anilao diving with the shops in PG they mostly tend to look confused and shake their heads saying that its not very good and only appeals to 'locals' from manila. I'm happy to let them have their bias, the fewer the divers the better as far as I'm concerned :wink: . . .

Atlantis might be an exception though - they are used to taking divers to do tech dives and seem to go a bit further afield than many of the other shops. If it is 'normal' rec diving that you are looking for and want to try out some of the better spots in Anilao ask the DM if they are familiar enough to lead dives at spots like mainit and bahura. If they've never heard of these then I'd skip diving Anilao with them and sign up with a dive shop in Anilao if its something you really want to try. My general impression (could be wrong) is that Anilao divers / shops tend to be more familiar with PG than the other way around. BTW, PG shops will tend to see Verde as 'theirs' but it is also accessible from Anilao and in my experience there are plenty of DMs who can lead a good dive there.

Good luck :)

PS Atlantis is in Sabang, a barrio of Puerto Galera. Very centrally located and close to the main diving spots. Good choice for a shop in PG.

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