Well, if Shearwater were ever inclined to put some resources into what is admittedly one of their weaker system components, I'd guess that priority has dropped to the bottom of the pile after the ridiculous rant in this forum.
I share a similar frustration in being unable to easily download dives into Subsurface via my phone in order to transfer them over to my laptop for analysis in Subsurface (because I can't download them directly - that's a Subsurface problem). It literally takes hours! Note: I am a relatively uninformed Windows user when it comes to BT, with only modest coding skills.
Add what our previous poster said regarding a legitimate medical interest in downloading information quickly in cases of suspected DCS, and I think there's good reason to ask more of Shearwater. But this whole discussion has now become an impediment to a solution, rather than raising a legitimate question.
What a shame.
Good news from divelog the post did solve their problem for the perdix sync issues they have had for the past years |clear the parings and keys| this also fixes most subsurface issues {the speed on the petrel switch requests data faster than the LE stack can provide it dumping the transmission or in the case of the shearwater app requesting a retransmission thus the delay/lag}
[better news the newer tetric line has a more robust bluetooth stack]
The issue is hardware/firmware which does not help the perdix owners after 2019 to present when they put in bluetooth4.0LE stack so best hope is clear keys on the app and pull the logs reason it is slow is the retransmission... ( will pull ethereal/wireshark logs and see if ronnie has some ideas when I catch up with him )
now am I jaded because of a use case which cannot be addressed yes.
Overall is there color and over the top rage/hate/spite in my tone yes.
Am I angry because I was chasing drivers and purpose built software instead of going after the bluetooth stack first YES! and I am equally angry with myself as I should know better! and still angry with shearwater because they have known of the issue and chose to remain silent.
I accept that and will accept the hate I get for it... as you go through life expect to find those who disagree also expect to find those who will begrudeginly accept your position and those who will keep fighting it even if the facts are clearly spelt out... For those who got my wrath undeserving I am sorry for the pain and spite I presented.
Fact: the issue is not just bound to Linux/Unix when I stand up some systems I will pull data pushing the point... ( any issue pulling to subsurface on droid or ios ) can be due to
1.) other bluetooth signals in the area ...( this is a suspect issue due to the no key/one key "reference" )
2.) recent dive recent bind and the background lock ( workaround due to partial stack )
in short it is a issue which is tied to the hardware and firmware not drivers... [on that I was wrong] once I saw bluetooth traces from other peoples failures...
3.) even attempting the bind to a droid w shearwater sw it will not detect the use of a one way connect one point limits the ability to pull logs in case of a DCS event [things which could happen, but we never are fully prepared for]
That is the main concern I have/had knowing the logs can be pulled after a [incident] on the fly from the device... is the shearwater a watchdog or a dive flight recorder / medical review tool? can the data be used to help treat a injured diver if so how do you retrieve the data if:
1.) diver is unresponsive
2.) paired device is unavailable
3.) no method to sync to another device / offload log from the dive which only sits on the device not on the paired device or cloud [ last I checked all sync operations are manually executed in a two step action with the perdix [1. start bluetooth 2. open app to sync on the paired "device"]
If I am lying or pushing a non issue let me know...
I can if needed pull divesoft/garmin data via USB irrespective of some software package those vendors provide and to multiple endpoints...
The main point being if I took a DCS hit or a dive buddy took a hit the logs can be pulled and sent with the diver to the chamber or the hospital. The concern is can data be pulled from a perdix2 if a person takes a DCS hit and that is the only "operational device remaining" their flight recorder...