I did a flame job on my wetsuit. It was okay, but I decided to redo it. Nice to know I can always use opaque white and black to eliminate unwanted stuff. Maybe tomorrow....
Lest I not get a chance to respond 'til October...
Does the paint compromise the insulating qualities of the wetsuit at all?
I've been painting on a .5mil suit. It has no insulating qualities, so I really can't comment on its effect. I figured I would wear the .5 suit over the top of other suits, so as to not compromise the underlying suit. I'm not sure if a lycra suit would work just as well.
Will it break down the neoprene?
No. At least not in my limited experience.
on your first post you mentioned having to stuff towels in your suit so you could stretch the neoprene. What about putting a drysuit inside the wetsuit, taking 2 liter bottles and plugging the neck and wrists, and then inflating the drysuit. It would expand the neoprene evenly and allow you to paint easier.
I thought about this. Unfortunately, I don't have a drysuit yet (I'm drysuit certified, but I don't think it would be appreciated if I rented a suit and then got paint on it due to overspray). Actually, a trilam might be really good to paint on. The sealer (Coast Airbrush Safe-T) is more or less a spray on varnish. It should adhere to the top layer of the drysuit just as well as it does to a wetsuit. As far as I can tell, Createx acryllic is pretty flexible.
I'd like to have some little crabs painted in the crotch of my wet suit.
In college, at UC Irvine, Tau Beta Pi came to me and asked me to paint them up a knight with an open face, so they could use it as a pie throwing booth. The knight was naked, save for a helmet and pair of boxers with Tau Beta Pi symbols on it. One of the guys jokingly asked me to "Give him a Tau Beta Pi 'bulge'". A few years later, I went back to visit UCI and Wayzgoose. They were still using the pie throwing booth, and it still had the Tau Beta Pi "bulge" in the boxer shorts (you have to look close). I'm wondering if they still use it. Hmmm, a flame "bulge" in the wetsuit? Well, I don't know if I want to try that until I see what the reaction of underwater animals is... :11: