Stupid new diver incident

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My buddies are still laughing at me when I climb on the boat, keeping my reg in mouth until I am completely in the boat and settle down. I get the usual "you know that you are out of the water right?" etc. But of course they all know Why I do it. If ever you fall back in the water, fall over the boat (waves...) or any other reasons, at least, breathing is not one of the problems you will be facing.

You experienced a very valuable lesson learned. Good for you.

I learned to keep my reg in my mouth until I'm on the boat too and to stay out of the way of the ladder. I don't care who laughs at me, at least I have air to breathe if I fall back into the water.

I was also taught by a DM in Bonaire (I had 5 dives on my log at the time) to put the snorkel in my mouth when on the surface. So I was in the water waiting for him to give me the signal to descend, snorkel in mouth. My stupid newby trick? I decended with the the snorkel in my mouth--no harm done, I quickly switched to my reg. I saw him grinning at me as he gave me the ok sign. Never did that again.
(yank it again, dude! yank it... is it closed? yank it! are you sure it's closed??)


That's just bad form.

Proper form: Buddy closes zipper. Buddy hands zipper loop to diver so that diver can confirm that zipper is closed. Problem solved :)

Though I did once see a guy with a 'relief zipper' walk out into the water only to go "shhh1t!" turn around, walk out and close it .... after I'd reminded him ealier :D

Note: I don't zip other people relief zippers :wink:
That's just bad form.

Proper form: Buddy closes zipper. Buddy hands zipper loop to diver so that diver can confirm that zipper is closed. Problem solved :)

lol it sure is bad form

(for the record, i have a front-zipped dry suit (TLS350) and was using this
amusing scenario purely for commedic effect... or something...)
Oh, man. I have said, "Let's go down", and then descended without my reg in my mouth.

I have said, "Let's go down", and then descended without my mask on.

I have said, "Let's go down", and then descended without my drysuit zipped.

I like to try everything once.
I've seen 3 or 4 people try it. Luckily the DM on the dive boat watches carefully for this one. :cool:

one of the advantages of being a warm water wus (such as myself)
is that you NEVER descend with your drysuit zipper open
Sure. Rub it in.

You probably don't even appreciate our fine 30' visibility and toasty 60 degree summertime water. :cool:

(yank it again, dude! yank it... is it closed? yank it! are you sure it's closed??)

My buddies are still laughing at me when I climb on the boat, keeping my reg in mouth until I am completely in the boat and settle down. I get the usual "you know that you are out of the water right?" etc.
I get that as I hike back to the car. I have a clip so I can hook my primary onto a D-ring, but I've had it in my mouth for the last hour or two, so another couple minutes while walking back to the car isn't a big deal. Keeps it from dragging or banging.

More along the topic of the orignal posters ........

My 1st OW dive after cert I surfaced and did the reg-to-snorkle swap thing, picture perfect as taught. Then as I swam towards the jetty exit point a big swell swamped me, drove water down my "dry" Scubapro snorkle. Cough, cough, cough. Go to reg to get a decent breath. Do the reg-to-snorkle exhange again. Get swamped by a breaking wave again. By this time my buddy, is standing on the jetty and shouts out
"Heh! You already paid for that air and you don't get any refunds for bringing it back. Use your reg!"

It's an easy to remember lesson, and since then I've always used a reg for exits, whether in surf or ducking down to take off fins on a boat ladder.
My fumbles have been embarrassing also. During (or should I say between dives) my rescue class I was diving with and instructor and her group of 2 kids just to help and keep an eye on them. Free air and a deep hole so why not right? So anyway, I am trying to help get the 2 newbies in the water to the platform which is about 4 feet deep and we are all standing around fiddling with our hoods and masks, etc. when she said, lets go down and all of them decended by stepping off the I followed and started kicking but wasn't going anywhere which is when I fins. They were sitting on the wall next to the stairs. To make it worse....5 others where standing on the stairs waiting for us to go under so they could get in and I had to walk back through another class of students to grab my fins. :sulkoff:

I was never so happy to get under water ..... ever.

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