Hello, I would like to run something before the masses. I have been OW certified for a little over a year. I was recently on a dive with some family and friends, and my OWI. This was a pleasure\elective dive. We were using Nitrox (32%), my first experience with this gas. First dive went well. Strong surface current, but no problems. 98' with my brother was a great day. The problem came with dive #2. I was the 4th off the boat. As I hit the water, I lost my reg and mask. No problem. I replaced them, and then heard my brother yelling "swim #@%-it!". When i looked around the current and I had left the boat. Well, I inflated rolled over and started swimming to the boat. To no avail. They had to float the buoy and I had to pull myself in. When I reached the back of the boat I was quite winded (and EXTREMELY embarassed). My brother was in the water checking on me and asked if I was OK. I gave the good sign and said lets go. BIG MISTAKE. We had to pull against the current and then down the anchor line. Cross current in about 40'. Once we reached the wreck I knew that I wasn't right. My brother was in front and he left the line. I was hyperventilating. I took one good kick to get his attention and let him know that I was in trouble and needed to get out. I made it back to the line and was almost ready to spit my reg. (I kept it...good call). All I could see was BLUE. I knew that I was about to loose control. My brother rotated around in front of me so that when I opened my eyes all I could see was him. We ascended about 15-20' and I was a "little better", still breathing way to fast. I stopped and thought, if I leave the water several things were going to happen.... (1) my dive is ruined (2) My brothers dive is ruined (3) If I get out of the water I might as well sell all of my gear and forget diving (I DONT QUIT WELL). I finally got my respirations back into normal limits and i decided to finish the dive. The rest of the dive was OK other than the fact that I was scared $&*less. When I got back on the boat, I gathered everyone I could to let them know what happened so that they might learn from my mistakes and never put themselves in that position. I have been in the water 15 - 20 times since and it wasnt until the last dive that I didn't have something run up my back right as I entered the water. Heck, I am getting a heavy feeling now as I type this. By the way, I never saw my OWI in the water, and I was never really briefed on Nitrox. Was I on my way to 02 toxicity? I just needed to get this out, embarassing as it is, please, please, please, if you get fatigued, rest before decending. A little feedback would be greatly appreciated. (By the way, it takes alot for this Firefighter to admit to being scared....haha)