Also and here’s a BIG QUESTION: on the MK5 Piston, I noted what felt like stamped letters on the piston shaft. On closer examination, I see rough spots on the piston shaft, small scratches basically. Right about where the piston shaft passes through the little o-ring. Maybe these can be polished out, or maybe I need a new piston?.....
Also, just for fun, I installed the MK10 Yoke on the MK5, and it appears to fit okay. Any comments or feedback are appreciated.
I've had good luck with micromesh cleaning up the edge of the piston to cure IP creep, and knocking off a glaze on the shaft that sometimes appears in the area of the HP o-ring. But I've never removed visible scratches from that area. If yours is really scratched, you are probably looking for a new piston, which as DA pointed out, means a new MK5. Plus, the only way scratches could get on that part of the piston (I think) is by poor handling by a tech, and if that's the case, it's certainly possible that there are also scratches in the HP o-ring journal. That, unfortunately, means "this is the end, mate" for a MK5. So you might be best off just replacing it and benefitting from the experience of taking it apart.
As far as the yoke goes, the MK10 yoke itself will certainly work, but not the yoke retaining bolt. That must be from a MK5; they're unique I believe. Actually, I think awap has rigged up a few MK5s with the SP universal DIN retainer using some SS washers, but that might be a "don't try this at home" sort of thing.
As far as the microns of depth for various grades of micromesh and whatever the parker catalog might say, I'll claim both ignorance and apathy by saying I don't know and I don't care. I'm not trying to say I have the absolute answer, I'm just saying that I personally would not put visible scratches, especially ones the size made by 400 grit emory cloth, in a piston shaft.