A couple of tips about putting it back together. 1) You really need to find a new HP o-ring. You almost certainly damaged the old one taking it out. I deliberately damage them during removal; I bury the tip of the double hook o-ring pick in the o-ring, that way I know it is not scratching the journal where that o-ring sits. A standard o-ring pick is not a great tool for removing that o-ring. 2) If you don't have the piston bullet tool, you'll need to find something that will function as one, otherwise you'll tear up the o-ring with the piston edge when you install the piston. 3) If you re-install the same seat and do not flip it, you'll likely get some IP creep as the piston cuts a new groove in a slightly different place, intersecting with the old groove.
The fact that you're talking about a flat seat probably means this reg has not been rebuilt in a loooooonnnng time. That might help to explain the difficulty getting it apart. Anyhow, the new seats with the conical seating surface are much better, so I'd just leave it apart until you get a kit that has one of those. Actually, it will have three.
I assume you're in the military; not too many english-writing-scuba-enthusiasts would otherwise be living in your locale! If by some chance you know anyone from a San Antonio base that's heading your way I'd be happy to send you a seat and some o-rings.
The fact that you're talking about a flat seat probably means this reg has not been rebuilt in a loooooonnnng time. That might help to explain the difficulty getting it apart. Anyhow, the new seats with the conical seating surface are much better, so I'd just leave it apart until you get a kit that has one of those. Actually, it will have three.
I assume you're in the military; not too many english-writing-scuba-enthusiasts would otherwise be living in your locale! If by some chance you know anyone from a San Antonio base that's heading your way I'd be happy to send you a seat and some o-rings.