It is a really difficult subject because few of us know what the future will bring. I started in 1990 and OW single tank reef diving was great. I would never have thought that five or six years later I would get heavy into cave diving. I was dead set against it until after taking classes, Then technical diving reared its head, then rebreathers .... Do you get the idea?
I was fortunate in that I owned a dive shop and the gear was a lot less expensive. Even so many thousands of dollars were invested in gear.
I have gotten rid of a lot of my OW stuff and some of the OC tech equipment in favor of a rebreather. Economy in that respect is I modified a unit to MCCR not having the resources to buy an off the shelf unit.
One piece of advice is to buy the best you can afford. It will last a long time. I still have my original tech regs, bladder, and backplate and dive them all the time. Walmart is a source for new webbing about every ten years or so.
Also, be wary of anything the instructor wants you to buy if he names a specific brand or type. He probably is making something more at your expense. I have seen many students who were coerced into buying model a from manufacturer x which at the next dive level was less than an ideal choice. This often lead to new or replacement items. Instead find mentors and general divers in the field you wish to follow and watch.
As mentioned previously, don't get in a rush, watch for deals and if you get a chance, try it out before you buy. Dive buddies and friends will generally let you try something if you don't make a habit of mooching. Most tech dive shops will let you rent gears as well.