Strange Thread Loading

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just giving input-i know how to scroll it over now,on this and my office computer.
at least,i figured that out!
only happens when you go to last post
not if i go to first opening
i'm just relieved that others have this problem!!!!
happened this weekend,as you already know
again,sorry for the frustration,but was out of my realm of expertise!!!
thanks for trying
oh yeah,this is a 7 year old dell desktop
So let me see if I have this straight.

This problem is isolated to Windows XP and Internet Explorer?

Has ANYONE tried to use Firefox or Chrome to see if the issue persists?
firefox works fine!!!
(had to have my son walk me through that one!!!)
window xp not going to work so well,eh?
as i said before,in my case,user error is biiiiig factor!

Never had problems before the upgrade, so I'd think its not a problem with my browser, but a problem the update has with my browser.
firefox works fine!!!
(had to have my son walk me through that one!!!)
window xp not going to work so well,eh?
as i said before,in my case,user error is biiiiig factor!

Thanks for helping out.

This pretty much wraps up the issue in my book.
Windows IE-7 here on a very fast computer: pages loads cleanly but still s-l-o-w-l-y. Takes 8-10 seconds to load a page after a single click; but as mentioned previously, a double click loads a page in 6-8 seconds.

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