You're just a young scuba punk!!!
I'm just completely unoriginal.....
Unorginal my butt. I find that name incredibly well thought out... Oh well, I tried.
At one point in my life, I though Malinowski was a pretty unique name. I now believe it to be the "smith" of poland. Everyone I meet seems to know a Malinowski. And each of them has the same idea that the name would be pretty unique as well because they all assume that I'll know the person that they know
I don't mind them asking, but it's a slim chance since my immediate family is pretty small.
Anyway, most people just call me "cmal" nowadays. Somebody started it when I was in a thoroughbred horse partnership ( And I probably should have used that nickname, but I started using cmalinowski so long ago that I try that first wherever I sign up. Sometimes I'll be "cmalinow", "cmalin", "chrismalinowski" (yahoo), or even "cmal". One of the nicknames in high school was mouse (M from first initial of last name, and the "ouse" from the "ows" in malin-OWS-ki). Maybe one day I'll change my name to cMouse or SeaMouse or cMal or SeaMal or.... Maybe I'll have a contest like snowbear one of these days for a nickname (name the Chris).
Until then, I'm cmalinowski... but you can call me cmal