Sting/Bite Help needed

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Hi, and Welcome to the boards.It's great that you're getting back into diving and snorkeling. I hope you're injury doesn't deter you from this wonderful addiction.

Wishing you a speedy recovery,

P.S. Please keep us posted.
Of course!

I will be sure to let you know what DAN says. Soaking it in really hot water so far seems to be the best bet. Still numb, but the swelling is going down!

Thank you all again for all of your kind words and assistance!

Nope, one little swollen, deformed looking ankle and foot won't deter me from getting out there again! I did laps yesterday trying to pretend I was still in Moorea!!!
Hi Liquid,

Based on the rather detailed questions you've asked of & advice you've given Denise, I presume you're somewhat of an authority on marine creature envenomations. I'm curious as to where you came by your expertise.

I ask this specifically because you have recommended washing the wound with vinegar, when the customary medical wisdom I am aware of is that vinegar is not a recommended treatment for lionfish, or stonefish (that interestingly have 3 venomous dorsal spines) or sea urchin envenomations, for that matter. Also, to the best of my knowledge, even for the envenomations against which vinegar may be effective, e.g., sea lice, fire coral scrapes, etc., it will only be effective if applied very soon after the run in, and not after a number of days as is the case with Denise.

In any event, I'm looking forward to your response.


Hi Denise,

That is too bad.

From what little you've reported, the wound could have the potential to become something serious. Not only may localized infection be an issue, but so may systemic infection like tetanus. Plus, if you have remaining embedded spine material or other detritus these will need to be attended to. Often such wounds take a very long time to resolve, and benefit from multiple approaches to complication prophylaxis and management of signs & symptoms.

You really should receive prompt evaluation by a physician knowledgeable in this area of dive medicine. Hopefully, DAN can direct you to such an individual. If not, I may be able to you assist you in finding such an expert.

Best of luck with it.

Hi DocVikingo and everyone:

I apologize, I thought I had submitted fairly detailed information. It was certainly not my intention to drag this out for 3 days. DAN has recommended a physician in CA for my doctor to contact. I am monitoring swelling, site redness and inflammation, as well as other items my doctor has recommended. The swelling has gone down dramatically, but there are residual problems. The main recommendation has been to soak in as hot of water as possible. As the waters were full of various ocean life, it is anyone's best guess as to the culprit. I highly recommend Moorea and Raitea for snorkeling. Beautiful area, beautiful water, and amazing sea life. In those areas, you see just as much snorkeling as diving, so I opted to snorkel most of the time.

Thank you all for your prompt and courteous attention to my plea for assistance. Take care and please feel free to email me directly if you wish.

Hi Denise,

Good news. Sounds like you're being well cared for.

Stay on the mend.

Hi doc.

I studied Marine biology and worked a bit in a nature reserve where I got to learn some more about all of these creatures. I had also an event with a lion-fish, when I was a kid, but it didn't develop a lot, it was the less danegerouse type, and I was very lucky.

About the Viniger: I thought it might help becouse she mentioned that hot water helped. The field treatmen of Viniger, uses also hot water, so I figured, if this helps, what the hell, maibe it to might help a bit.

On this part though, I am no doctor, and it was foolish of me, I admit it. I tried to delet the message, but for some reason I couldnt. not even edit it. I was to eager to help, and should have mentioned a doctor must be consulted first. I am really sorry for this, I wont do this kind of mistake again, thanks for straighting me out on this, doc.

do you also belive the most logical couse is a lion-fish?
Hi Liquid,

You are gentleman, sir.

Without the opportunity to examine Denise, I wouldn't hazard a guess, although the lionfish would certainly be on the list of suspects.

Best regards.


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