Every object submerged in water no matter if it floats on the surface or sinks to the bottom is acted apon by the bouyant force. What would be a better discripton of an object that will sink rather than float. To my way of thinking negative bouyancy indicates that the bouyant force is less the the weight of the water displaced by the object and positive bouyancy bouyancy indicates that the bouyant force is greater than the weight of water displaced.
What would be a better discription of these two situations than negative and positive. If I am bouyant I float but what am I if I sink. I could say I am negative but that might be taken as having a negative outlook on life. What word best describes the opposite of bouyant. Maybe gravitationally positive
What would be a better discription of these two situations than negative and positive. If I am bouyant I float but what am I if I sink. I could say I am negative but that might be taken as having a negative outlook on life. What word best describes the opposite of bouyant. Maybe gravitationally positive