here is the what gue says you need for tech 1
- "Tanks/Cylinders: Students are required to use dual tanks/cylinders connected with a dual outlet isolator manifold, which allows the use of two first-stages. All dives must start with a minimum of 80 cubic feet/2250 liters of gas. Divers must also have access to one deco tank/cylinder of 50% Nitrox. "
I don't understand where in that quote it says you have to have tanks bigger than 72s. I am not advocating using 72s for Tech 1, I just don't see how you are taking that to mean you need bigger tanks. You have to start each dive with a minimum of 80cuft. A slightly more than half full set of 72s would do the trick there.
MattL:look at tanks that you can use on a 150 foot dive or look at what type of diving your going to be in the next 5 years and ask your self do i want to spend money on 72s when in a year or even less time youll be putting them aside and buying bigger tanks
First of all, not everyone has aspirations for Tech 1. People have different reasons to want to dive doubles, and it's not necessarily because they want to do 150' dives. I don't think the OP made his intent clear. Second, if you start buying the tanks you will need in 5 years, you might end up with a set of 130s for those far off Tech 2 dives you might someday do. Not necessarily the best choice if you are going to fill them with 32% for some shore dives in the meantime.
MattL:ps rainman_02 is very smart and knows alot about dir
Yes, David is quite the DIR stud. Maybe we can start a separate thread on "why I want to marry rainman_02"