By using the airline analogy aaa diving definitely impressed me with the idea that they don't know how the airline industry works. It also came across as a bit of a self-serving smear. In fact airlines sell seats on each others airplanes all the time. Next time you are in an airport, a place I get to spend way too much time, look at the rotating Arrival/Departure Board. As a matter of fact when I was in Honolulu earlier this month there was a woman in front of me trying to check in with her ticket sold by XXX airline and with a XXX flight number. She wasn't having any luck until someone else helped her by showing that just below the XX info was a little statement "Operated by YYY Airlines" and she needed to check in with them. (Names omitted because it doesn't matter which airline it was; it is common practice)
If they want to stake their reputation in this kind of misinformation that is their business. But it sure doesn't seem very wise to me. The misinformation combined with the overall tone of the article makes me think they are more in the supermarket tabloid business than diving.