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Update: If you are still having issues with logins please do the follow:

1) Clear your browser cookies.
2) Close all of your browser windows even if they are not from ScubaBoard.
3) If you can, reboot your machine to clear any session cookies (not required but recommended).
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5) If your problem persists, post a response to this thread with the following information:

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The more we know about this issue the easier it will be to track it down but hopefully the change we just made solved most problems.
This was never a problem for me with the old Scubaboard but since the change over it has been a constant problem. We have tried everything and nothing seems to work for very long. Additionally I can't view profile pictures when this is happening. I can when it's working properly however.
I really think it has something to do with Scubaboards software...

Hell all

I'm pretty new 'round here, but I had the log on problem from the first day on. Eventually I changed my bookmarks (yep, I'm anti-IE) from the pure IP number, which I got from some other site's links page, to, and that seems to have solved my problem.

Hope this is one more step to get this fixed...


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