Starting Monday April 5th 2004..

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Chicagoan living in Texas
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I'm a Fish!
How many people want to jump on the wagon here and take the scuba board weight loss challenge?

Let's see how much weight scuba board members can lose in 2 months.
We'll weigh in on Monday and post our weight loss, or gain, every Monday for 2 months.

Buy your scales this weekend!
Who's joining?

So what diet are we trying?

I tried the sea food diet... If I saw it, I ate it.

Then there was my faith diet... I didn't even need to see it!

Now I guess I will try the revolutionary Scubaboard ELEM diet! It has some real potential and has even been proven scientifically!!!
I am in. Will weigh today at the gym and see how it goes.
I really need to lose a few pounds. I'm not even sure I will fit into my wetsuit.


goodbye:cake: goodbye:beer_yum:
OK that's 4 of us so far. So in two months if we can lose 15 lbs total each, that would be 60 lbs in 2 months!
That would be so cool.
Maybe even more will join.

I think everyone can pick whatever diet plan they want.
I'm going to follow the points program with weight watchers.
If anyone wants to know how it works let me know!
My only caveat would be that far too many people equate weight loss with fitness...yes it is a "part" of the equation but I think it is far more meaningful to look at "fat loss" vs. "weight loss"...there are plenty of people out there who have extremely low body fat but blow away the BMI charts and would be listed as "obese" as muscle weighs significantly more than fat. I have personally found that using body fat percentages is a far more accurate way to track workout effectiveness.

Most gyms can help you do a body fat analysis or you can buy an at home "fat caliper" which gives great quick results.

I'm mentioning this because someone I know very well became extremely frustrated by watching the scale and only seeing minor changes. It was only when their friends started commenting on how skinny they were and none of their clothes fit that they realized how much the "scale" can lie. They went from a body fat percentage of almost thirty down to around 16 percent but their lean muscle mass went through the roof.

I'm all for fitness challenges and mutually supporting one anothers efforts, I just hate to see people fixating on scale readings and feeling frustrated.

Good luck.
I really don't care if its weight loss or fat loss, BMI or anything...just get it off of me! If I only lose 20 pounds, but drop 3 sizes, I will be one happy camper!
I'm in!
I agree with bwerd. I have a scale that measures weight and body fat,

The most important thing is how you feel and how you look, versus what the scale says.

Body weight can vary day by day, so it is best to pick one day a week to weigh yourself, versus every day.

Muscle gain promotes weight loss, as muscles burn calories whether they are being used or at rest.

If you lost 5 pounds of fat, and gained 5 pounds of muscle, you would not show a weight loss on the scale, but would look, feel and be much healthier.

Diet and exercise is the key. Have fun doing it and more power to you.


My only caveat would be that far too many people equate weight loss with fitness...yes it is a "part" of the equation but I think it is far more meaningful to look at "fat loss" vs. "weight loss"....
Well, all I know is I would be happy to lose some weight. I am thinking of trying the South Beach diet. My sister has been on it for several weeks now, and has lost about 15#.
I watch calories and limit fat. And excercise. I sit at a desk all day so I will try to get back in my walking/ biking routine. In 2000 for New Years Resolution, I did this and lost close to 70 lbs. Kept it off pretty well too. Moderate, regular excercise and eliminating foods like McDonald's and ice cream.

It worked well and I kept it off pretty well. Its been creeping back over the last 12-18 months. Not all the weight but enough that I need to do something. I could stand to drop about 20 lbs.

This may help me get motivated.


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