Hello everyone! Let me give you some background before I start with the questions. I've been wanting to dive since I was in high school, which was twenty years ago. (reunion next month) Well my son just turned thirteen and we've decided to get certified this coming spring. I've always loved water activities, and Jules (my son) shares my enthusiasm for getting certified. I'm not at all woried about either of us getting certified. We live 6 miles from lake watteree and it's like our second home in the summer. (Jules is around 5'8'' and 150 lbs, swims like a fish, surfs, and is more responsible and level headed than most of the men I work with. I'm not bragging, He's just never had much of a choice in the matter) Our goal is to get certified, and then dive while on a cruise vacation in the bahamas in the summer. I'm pretty sure we'll both end up with a full setup, (we'll probably rent in the bahamas) I'm interested in just diving and maybe photography while Jules want's to try spearfishing later on. here's the thing I live near Columbia SC and we have 2 LDS, one SSI one PADI. I've visited both and I feel a little more comfortable with the SSI, even bought the training manual. My impressions in reading the manual are that the SSI is maybe pushing the gear sales a little hard. (just my impression don't want to step on anyones toes.) I'm a pretty cautious guy (I used to have a motorcycle, but I never road without a full face helmet, boots and leather jacket) I want to learn how to be safe, but I'm not real worried if I've got the best form when kicking. I'm sure there's lousy and wonderful instructors with both PADI and SSI, so all things being equal what do you think? SSI or PADI. Thanks in advance for any and all opinions.