but I don't play one on TV. I have always seen the "which agency" issue as more of an us vs. them mentality. However, through the course of events of this past month, and largely, Walter is the blame for this. I am changing my allegiances to NAUI. No, it was not for the "better" training as much as I really, really liked one of their master instructors, and he invited me to do the NAUI thing.
Well today, I picked up their Master SCUBA Diver Training Kit. I felt that I should at least try to learn how NAUI does it before I jump into their Instructor training. WHOA... I was quite impressed with how thorough the stinking video is! It is not eye candy as much as it is LOADED with physiology, the proper use of the ideal gas laws, classification of flora and fauna! I actually learned something from JUST the video. I cannot wait to read the manual!
I took my DM course JUST BECAUSE! Just because I could not learn enough about diving. Just because I could never be safe enough. Just because I wanted to know way more for when I took my family diving. Just because it was there!!! Seeing these training materials, I am sorry that I did not go NAUI then. HOWEVER, unlike PADI. I do not have to do extra stuff to take NAUIs ITC. Nope, I am going in without having to re-do squat. I will never disagree with Walter again
well not until the next time we dive :tease: After all, I still have to show him MY- megladon tooth. (BTW, Walter is a YMCA instructor even though he inadvertently orchestrated me going to a NAUI Instructor course.)