The posts on my Quattros are not actually round. There's a little step sorta thing on one side. I don't know quite how to explain this but it's shaped like a "key" on a shaft might be. Anyone with me?
In any case, if the s-ring is going to securely attach, I'll have to file this little key thing off. I'm reluctant to do that as if the spring thing doesn't fly, the fins may be shot for using the regular straps. Ugh.
The step is just to stop the clip from rotating more than 90degrees. It's supposed to be a safety measure to stop the clips rotating downwards and avoid the strap from slipping off your boot. I've used fins with it and without it and never had a problem.
The older production models of the same fin don't have it, the post is round.
I just trimmed it off with a sharp knife leaving the post round. The original clips will still work fine.