Suggestion Splitting the BCD Forum

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The BCD section has become consumed with discussion about BP/W's. It is to the point that you can't get advice on non BP/W questions there anymore. Any request for information about non-BP/W BCDs is met with 10 responses of "you should get a BP/W."

Most of the non-BP/W users have quit posting in that forum due to the beating that they take when they mention anything but a BP/W. While the BP/W may be a great option for some, the majority of divers out there are not in BP/W setups and still need advice there as well.

My suggestion is to split this forum.

How about subsections like:

Traditional BCDs (Jacket/Back-inflate)
Backplates & Wings

That way posters interested in each could inquire and receive non combative discussions on each type of platform. I believe this would also bring more traditional BCD owners back to the forum for discussions who may otherwise be reluctant to post these days due to the current bias.
NetDoc, I don't understand your post on this issue. Aren't you the person who runs this board? You seem disappointed that everyone doesn't agree with you, but sometimes that happens in a community such as this.
Dude, we thrive on controversy! I have no issues with people disagreeing, just as long as they are respectful and don't step on too many toes. Way too often when someone speaks motives are assigned that are just not there.
What you see in this thread is a very small number of people suggesting that the forum be split, and a larger number of people disagreeing.
Large number? No, the total aggregate in this thread is not a "large number". What we have here are a few timid suggestions and a few of the people who push the BP&Wing agenda crying "foul" at the very suggestion. You don't have to vilify those who disagree with you. You don't have to cast aspersions on their character, their intelligence or their lineage. Your last lines illustrates this point vividly:
It has nothing to do with "no good deads going unpunished". Your last sentence is ridiculous, and only furthers the problem. I would have expected better from someone in your position.
What we have here are a few timid suggestions and a few of the people who push the BP&Wing agenda crying "foul" at the very suggestion.

ok... the pro-split are "timid", the anti-split "cry foul" and push an agenda

got it...

You don't have to vilify those who disagree with you.


but... you just... er...


Way too often when someone speaks motives are assigned that are just not there.

so true...
Hey Andy, I DIVE a BP&Wing... I have no issue with them or the people who dive them. I just want us to be respectful of others who may dive differently than us. No one is going to die just because they choose to wear a back inflate or heaven forbid: a poodle jacket.
oh we can't take this too seriously... it is important, but we'll go on once the call is made ... paramount in our decisions should be to be civil and avoid acrimony

plus it's a tough desition to make ... there's pros and cons on both sides

but it would be great if we could talk without calling each other names and so on ...

this goes for me too, i'm not perfect

(hard to believe, yes, i know...)
and the media thought the use of "Merry Christmas" was going to be the PC controversery of the seson, guess they didn't know about Traditional BCD's vs.BP/W:D

I can honestly say that my preference is a BP/W, that being said I see some fantastic "traditional BCD's" being introduced and would like to see more discussion on them. Some of these BCD's dive great (for example when I was with Oceanic and first dove the Excursion, my thought the entire time in the water was how much the trim/bouyancy felt like I was diving a BP/W with ST, but it felt nicer on my back and shoulders- I was in a t shirt and shorts)

But in the mean time here on SB, it seems that for now at least the awareness of not jumping on every BC question with "BP/W is the greatest, better for everything" has been achuieved by this thread. That in itself decrease the need to split the forum.

That's a GOOD thing!:D
Large number? No, the total aggregate in this thread is not a "large number".

No, I didn't say it was a large number. I said it was a LARGER number. To recap, what I was saying is that in this thread there is a very small number of people who support the idea of splitting the forum, and there is a LARGER number of people who don't want to split the forum.

You don't have to vilify those who disagree with you. You don't have to cast aspersions on their character, their intelligence or their lineage. Your last lines illustrates this point vividly:
I did not try to vilify you at all. I am pointing out the irony that you complain about being misqouted and threads running off track, then post this:
"It won't check your gauges for you and it is horrible at making decisions at depth"
When no one was suggesting it. To me this is pretty much you doing the same thing that the people you are complaining about are doing. Posting off-topic and inflamatory stuff that no one was even talking about.
Another example:
"No one is going to die just because they choose to wear a back inflate or heaven forbid: a poodle jacket"
But, like most people on here say, I vote with my wallet, and I just did.
"It won't check your gauges for you and it is horrible at making decisions at depth"
When no one was suggesting it. QUOTE]

he was trying to make light of things.:wink:

It would be WAYYYYYYY boring in here if we all thought the same way...
he was trying to make light of things.:wink:

It would be WAYYYYYYY boring in here if we all thought the same way...

I understand, I know he was making light of things. But when someone else does it, it is a problem. And, to be honest, alot of the stuff that is posted in the BC forum is making light of things.
Personally, I don't care what you do, Pete. Splitting the forums is just fine with me... if that matters. But... I don't think it will accomplish what you guys appear to want. Similarly, I don't think that it will make things any easier to moderate and I don't think it is a good idea for the board.

I RARELY get involved in posts asking for BC recommendations and I certainly don't jump into specific BC threads with BP/wing talk. Those threads don't interest me. I don't have an 'agenda' and I'm not on a 'mission' to promote the BP and wings. In fact, I am probably one of the few nuts that don't think they're right for everyone. What I do like talking about are the specifics... and I can do that just fine in a dedicated BP/wing forum.

I think that some of you may be missing this point, however. Though it is easier to think that it is the same few "loud-mouths" butting in where they aren't wanted, I believe what we are really seeing are successive 'crops' of new 'converts' that are excited about spreading the news. It goes something like this... Joe blow comes here asking about BCs, hears about BPs, gets one, loves it, starts telling everyone else about it. New guy comes along and BAM... same thing happens.

Look back over the years and tell me it's the 'same old crowd'. It's just not. Guys get bored with it and move on... they spend their time on the board with different topics... like MOF/NMOF! :D

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