Suggestion Splitting the BCD Forum

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The BCD section has become consumed with discussion about BP/W's. It is to the point that you can't get advice on non BP/W questions there anymore. Any request for information about non-BP/W BCDs is met with 10 responses of "you should get a BP/W."

Most of the non-BP/W users have quit posting in that forum due to the beating that they take when they mention anything but a BP/W. While the BP/W may be a great option for some, the majority of divers out there are not in BP/W setups and still need advice there as well.

My suggestion is to split this forum.

How about subsections like:

Traditional BCDs (Jacket/Back-inflate)
Backplates & Wings

That way posters interested in each could inquire and receive non combative discussions on each type of platform. I believe this would also bring more traditional BCD owners back to the forum for discussions who may otherwise be reluctant to post these days due to the current bias.
I would say that your sample groups are much smaller and more focused on a particular type of dive you are doing (birds of a feather). The people who come to Florida bring the gear they own from what ever region they live in.
Your sample group may be larger, but it's also focused. As you said, most of the divers travelled to go there, which makes them vacationers going diving. In my sample, I'm mostly talking about people who dive at least several times a month in the Northeast, in conditions that are often challenging to say the least. From this perspective, the bathtub warm, clear-vis diving in the keys and Carribean is just as much a 'particular type' of diving, and I believe that most (but certainly not all) vacation divers don't dive much at home.

Those who do dive at home may not travel with the gear they normally use. For avid northern divers, it isn't all that uncommon to have "travel gear", or to rent when they get to their destination. Just by way of example, if I'm travelling with my wife and not with my dive buddies, you're unlikely to see my drysuit, doubles, or anything but my most basic gear. Up until recently, you wouldn't have seen me in a backplate either. That's changed now that I got a second BP in aluminium (to help offset the weight of twin steel 100s) and sold the Transpac II I used to travel with on eBay, but I've yet to dive warm water with either of my BPs.
I truly don't want to see the forum split into two subcategories, but I think it should be pointed out that much of the discussion here on this thread is proving the OP's point somewhat. This should be a simple discussion - split into two subforums or not, pros and cons. Instead it has too many elements of why BP/Ws are good or preferable, arguments about the market penetration of BP/Ws by people on both sides of the arguement who only have personal observations but don't have any real market data, etc. The sidetracking away from the core question is distracting.

It seems there has been plenty of opinion weighed in here - does SB administration have a position yet or not? And if not, what data is lacking?
I truly don't want to see the forum split into two subcategories, but I think it should be pointed out that much of the discussion here on this thread is proving the OP's point somewhat. This should be a simple discussion - split into two subforums or not, pros and cons. Instead it has too many elements of why BP/Ws are good or preferable, arguments about the market penetration of BP/Ws by people on both sides of the arguement who only have personal observations but don't have any real market data, etc. The sidetracking away from the core question is distracting.
Call me crazy, but I think trying to get to the root cause of a problem is an important step in trying to come up with a workable solution to it. I don't see positing contributing factors as off topic or a distraction, even if we don't happen to have a copy of 'The Big Book of Verifiably Factual Data' on hand. If you acknowledge there's a problem, and don't think the forum ought to be split, what do you suggest be done about it?
I think it should be pointed out that much of the discussion here on this thread is proving the OP's point somewhat.

I was hoping I wasn't the only one noticing this :) The flow of this thread basically proves my point. Not only by twisting this into a BP/W discussion, but again the vocal minority is overwhelming the discussion and subsequently silencing the majority which will ultimately hurt the board as a whole.
There is some serious paranoia goin' on around here.

And some of conclusions being drawn are just plain ridiculous.
I was hoping I wasn't the only one noticing this :) The flow of this thread basically proves my point. Not only by twisting this into a BP/W discussion, but again the vocal minority is overwhelming the discussion and subsequently silencing the majority which will ultimately hurt the board as a whole.
How exactly are you being silenced? Nothing I've done is keeping you from posting. In fact, when I tried to engage you in a discussion about the problem, you responded by saying you would not be sidetracked, and reposted a copy of your OP. The only one silencing you is you. Your reluctance to publicly consider anything other than your original proposal is not my fault.

Lest I further contribute to what is apparently the degradation of this thread, I'll take my leave of it now (except as a lurker), and you can feel free to post to your heart's content without fear of any gag order I might inadvertantly try to impose on you. I encourage anyone else who might have the gall to mention BP/W in a thread about splitting BP/W into a separate forum to do the same. By all means... post away. I look forward to reading the majority's unimpeded viewpoint.
Stephen Ash:
There is some serious paranoia goin' on around here.

And some of conclusions being drawn are just plain ridiculous.

Maybe Thorozine would help.

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