catherine96821:Rob would make a great mod, is a very reasonable person....I am looking forward to what he proposes for the "sticky".
Oh no.... no no no.... nobody wants this, believe me! They'd probably make me moderate the solo forum as punishment for all of past "detractions".
No, I'm quite happy just being an opinionated hack.
As for a couple of comments:
- Catherine "It's only SCUBA". You're right. As compared to some other activities it's not exactly going to break your risk-o-meter. I do need to be reminded of this from time to time.
- Walter "If you are inclined to dive solo and have the necessary experience to do it safely, why would you be asking questions about the practice?". This is my feeling as well. I'm getting a warm feeling from being in total agreement with you. It was bound to happen eventually...

- Catherine "it seems overly patronizing to worry "for" some one else". Perhaps. I think your inability to follow this thinking may be somewhat related to a difference in culture. I hope I can say this without alienating all of the Americans on the board but Americans are probably unique in the world having a very strong "live and let live"--individualistic--core cultural value. In many other countries, including Canada and most certainly in the Netherlands (talk about a Borg collective), individualism and collectivism hang in a different kind of balance. I certainly didn't mean to come across sounding arrogant or patronizing but I think this may offer a partial explanation for why were weren't connecting. On the one hand I think I'm right because people do try to emulate roll models. Even people you only know in cyber space can be powerful roll models and I wouldn't want to (mis)lead someone I don't know into doing something they ought not to be doing. I think it would be good if all of the regulars on the board would spend some time considering their position as a roll model and consider the effect it has on the readers. On the other hand, I think you're right that I could do with a little more "live and let live". It would certainly be an easier-going approach and I would probably worry less if I did. (see....told you I'd think about it...)