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Well it looks like I did my research,so you do yours. We have a powerhead and have no plan of using it, unless need be, looks like you have never been bumped or tenderized before? I just acept the FACTS, sharks attack,kill, and eat people including divers. Ever heard of Shark Week, so it looks like you have your theory and I have mine on powerheads. Oh just wondering why they have shark attack files and statics, located in Cape Town South Africa. So lets agree to dissagree on this issue, and both countinue to dive safley.

Have you watched Shark Week? Divers aren't the ones getting attacked. Your arguements get weaker with every post.
Wow!!! I guess someone cant read, but can at least turn on a pc. Quite a few years back a White shark killed a SCUBA DIVER while his wife was behind a undedwater cliff and saw it first hand. Plus you have a member on scuba board saying he has proof. I mean come on, im not trying to out smart or claim to be better than anyone, but it seems you are. So my research is done, so I suggest that you do some investagation, since you got over 350+++ dives, and say sharks DONT attack people or divers, when they do. I also watch programs on PBS which go more indepth look at provoked attacks on divers and swimmers.
Well it looks like I did my research,so you do yours. We have a powerhead and have no plan of using it, unless need be, looks like you have never been bumped or tenderized before? I just acept the FACTS, sharks attack,kill, and eat people including divers. Ever heard of Shark Week, so it looks like you have your theory and I have mine on powerheads. Oh just wondering why they have shark attack files and statics, located in Cape Town South Africa. So lets agree to dissagree on this issue, and both countinue to dive safley.

Those with limited experience and even less intelligence have to have fancy gadgets to compensate for their insecurities. Again I say spell check is a wonderful thing.
Wow!!! I guess someone cant read, but can at least turn on a pc. Quite a few years back a White shark killed a SCUBA DIVER while his wife was behind a undedwater cliff and saw it first hand. Plus you have a member on scuba board saying he has proof. I mean come on, im not trying to out smart or claim to be better than anyone, but it seems you are. So my research is done, so I suggest that you do some investagation, since you got over 350+++ dives, and say sharks DONT attack people or divers, when they do. I also watch programs on PBS which go more indepth look at provoked attacks on divers and swimmers.

Who on Scubaboard has proof, of what?

I never said sharks didn't attack people, I said they don't attack divers underwater. People get attacked, its nearly always attributed to being mistaken identity(ie surfers look like turtles, and swimmers/fisherman in low visibilty water along the surf when/where sharks are known to feed). Who can't read?

You watched poeple provoke sharks to attack people on PBS??? That must have been an interesting program :rofl3: So its OK to bangstick a shark as long as you harrass it into a frenzy first? Your logic is mindboggling!
I have talked with tons of divers and even a couple shop owners from the P-cola and surrounding areas about spearfishing and using powerheads and the consensus is that they are just not needed. The shop owners I talked to said they stock them because there is a demand for them, not because they feel they are useful. I have heard of alot of divers getting injured from their own powerheads, but I have not ever heard of a use of a powerhead to save a diver's life. From what I have heard from very experienced spearfishermen/women is that when they first started out they had some sharks come in and bumped them and or scared them in some way and they bought a powerhead for that "just in case moment." after a few years of always leaving it in their BC pocket they figured it was useless and don't carry it anymore.

I guess if carrying a powerhead makes you feel safer during a dive, then go ahead. My only concern with a powerhead (other then it injuring a diver) is what will it do when you fire it underwater. Lets say you have a .357 powerhead and fire it off. The noise underwater is going to be crazy loud and is going to jack your ears up. If you hit the shark you are going to have a bunch of blood in the water and then you are really going to have a bunch of sharks in the area. Why not just poke the shark with your spear point? I have heard that in Navy water survival school they teach the sailors to just push the sharks away from them because research shows it to scare sharks away.

I have also seen tons of pictures from divers who spearfish/polefish at night and don't use powerheads. Here is one picture of many of Bugman slaying the flounder at night without a powerhead:

Who on Scubaboard has proof, of what?

I never said sharks didn't attack people, I said they don't attack divers underwater. People get attacked, its nearly always attributed to being mistaken identity(ie surfers look like turtles, and swimmers/fisherman in low visibilty water along the surf when/where sharks are known to feed). Who can't read?

You watched poeple provoke sharks to attack people on PBS??? That must have been an interesting program :rofl3: So its OK to bangstick a shark as long as you harrass it into a frenzy first? Your logic is mindboggling!

Well just for the record, I do know a diver who got bit by a sand tiger while spearfishing over on the rigs in Louisiana. It bit him on the leg, left him with the coolest set of teeth mark scars. When I get back to Panama City, I'll dig up the newspaper article the Times-Picayune did on him. Even had a picture of him sitting on his hospital bed looking stupid.

So, your statement that "they don't attack divers underwater" is not correct.

Wait, I remember I met a German who was attacked by a Great White in Monterey. He wasn't spearfishing and was actually on a scooter. Now that was a great story and some very cool scars.
There is nothing so divisive as a thread on spearfishing. I love the wide array of opinions expressed in these threads. Some are funnny, some are alittle scary but it all makes for a nice read.

This is one that resonated with me and matches my views on powerheads... except for the shark blood = more sharks part.
I have talked with tons of divers and even a couple shop owners from the P-cola and surrounding areas about spearfishing and using powerheads and the consensus is that they are just not needed. The shop owners I talked to said they stock them because there is a demand for them, not because they feel they are useful. I have heard of alot of divers getting injured from their own powerheads, but I have not ever heard of a use of a powerhead to save a diver's life. From what I have heard from very experienced spearfishermen/women is that when they first started out they had some sharks come in and bumped them and or scared them in some way and they bought a powerhead for that "just in case moment." after a few years of always leaving it in their BC pocket they figured it was useless and don't carry it anymore.

I guess if carrying a powerhead makes you feel safer during a dive, then go ahead. My only concern with a powerhead (other then it injuring a diver) is what will it do when you fire it underwater. Lets say you have a .357 powerhead and fire it off. The noise underwater is going to be crazy loud and is going to jack your ears up. If you hit the shark you are going to have a bunch of blood in the water and then you are really going to have a bunch of sharks in the area. Why not just poke the shark with your spear point? I have heard that in Navy water survival school they teach the sailors to just push the sharks away from them because research shows it to scare sharks away.

I have also seen tons of pictures from divers who spearfish/polefish at night and don't use powerheads. Here is one picture of many of Bugman slaying the flounder at night without a powerhead:

Since my name has been thrown around here by a couple of people I'll say that I am 100% against the use of powerheads. I do not have one and if a buddy that had one handed it to me to use, I'd give it back. I have no ill will towards sharks or powerhead users, but I want the Sharks to come just a bit closer and the powerhead users to stay just a bit further away.

I have given up fish a couple of times while diving and have been chastised by SB members for it. Once was pure fear while being pulled through the water by a runaway shark who had my my stinger (which was on a 6 foot rope) in his mouth. I was happy to cut away my stringer and the fish as I had gone into a pucker factor of 10!

The second time that I recall was when things got dicey with a dolphin and a shark who were fighting (literally) over an AJ that had gotten all tangled up in my shaft line. I decided to just cut it away so I could just focus on shooting video of the two "playing"...Awsome video I might add!

And no, I don't carry a spare air! :D

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