Spearfishing in Cozumel

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Anyone know of any recent population survey's of lionfish in Cozumel in comparison to other parts of the Caribe? Just from watching the decline over the last several years I would bet that it now has one of the lowest densities around. The effective control of the Lionfish population is due to Hawaiian slings, not other reef fish eating them.
It's from me eating them.
My mom used to say, "If they jumped of a bridge, would you do it too?" Spearfishing while using scuba equipment is illegal in Mexican waters, no matter what passport you hold. It is a Mexican federal fisheries regulation backed by federal law that says spearfishing is limited to free-divers; no scuba equipment or pneumatic spearguns are allowed while spearfishing in Mexican waters.

That is false. Correct though on no pneumatic spearguns.
Makes me feel better about inviting a few fish and scallops onboard for lunch in San Carlos without a license.
Dear Ric,

You also used the term "Sporting Spear Fishing" as banned on scuba. Is it possible that "Commercial Spear Fishing" is OK with a permit? And that is what lands those tasty critters on our tables?

Dave Dilehay'

Aldora Divers
BRT, I'm not sure what you mean by "that is false." Article 92 of the reglamento de la ley de pesca (the federal fishing law) says "La práctica de la pesca deportivo-recreativa subacuática, únicamente se permitirá buceando a pulmón, con arpón de liga o resorte." ("the practice of recreational sport fishing underwater is only permitted while freediving, with a spear powered by bans or springs.")

SECTUR says: “Spearfishing is permitted only through free diving.”

CONPESCA says: “solo puede realizar pescar subacuática buceando a pulmón, con arpón de liga o resorte.” (you can only perform underwater fishing while free diving, with a spear powered by bands or springs)

The rules of the Parque Marino Nacional Arrecifes de Cozumel state:

Regla 40 (c). Se requerirá permiso por parte de la SEMARNAP para la realización de Pesca deportiva y comercial. (a permit from SEMARNAP is required to perform sport and commercial fishing.)

In regards to the taking of lionfish inside reserve boundaries, SAGARPA says: "En esta zona de refugio únicamente podrán realizarse actividades de pesca comercial o de consumo doméstico de pez león (Pterois volitans) mediante buceo libre por apnea." (In this reserve you can only perform the activities of commercial fishing or for personal consumption of lion fish (Pterois volitans) through the means of freediving.)

Dave, you are correct, the ban is on sport spearfishing while on scuba. There are permits for commercial spear fishing.
Never argue with El Grad. It seldom works out in your favor...

Hey, did I not get a draw?

I only argued that the statement that "spearfishing while using scuba equipment is illegal in Mexican waters, no matter what passport you hold." was false. I knew that spearfishing on scuba was allowed in some cases because the people that catch the fish we eat in Mexico often fish that way openly.

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