Spear gun and pole spear as a self defense weapon?

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Ummmm.... I actually AM a liberal. And the first in this thread to advocate for the use of a gun for personal protection.
So I guess that pretty much shows how silly your post was.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.

If you believe in the second amendment than clearly you are a closet conservative......welcome to the conservative side!!
we're also an odd lot that don't have multiple gun related killing sprees every year so I'll just let you join the dots on that one
We also have entirely different countries with entirely different social economic systems and dynamics.
There's an element in the US that has decided to run amuck and raid/invade the homes of innocent people, kill, maim, and cause a form of domestic terror.
Some people claim it's out of desperation, I claim it's a cultural desensitization of morals and a thrill seeking phenomenon. It's not about robbery for money necessarily (although I'm sure it's a bonus), it's about the thrill of power and control.
Somebody from your part of the world will never be able no understand it because it's not happening to you. Even though it hasen't happened to me yet, I see it almost every day on the news all around me, all sorts of acts of random and violent crimes.

I want to add that I don't like it and I don't want it to be this way, but it is.
I would love to live somewhere that you can leave your front door unlocked at night and not have a worry in the world. I didn't create these thugs, but I have to live with them. I'm just a lowly business owner eeking out a living everyday. I'm not some rich aristocrat that they seem to have such contempt for, but from all the news stories I see it's always some middle class person or helpless elderly person minding their own business that falls prey to these predatory animals.
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I think Eric hit the nail on the head. There is a huge cultural difference. The rest of it is just banter between us.

The rest of the world can do what they want about guns, and we should be able to do what we want. The rest of it is just debate. In the big picture it is no different than a debate on why some countries drive on the wrong side of the road.:D
new records guys we have armed four year olds in the thread now

can anybody raise? come on guys let's get an armed infant up in here
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Merka **** yeah!
When my daughter was born I was quite pleased to know she had 2 arms.:D
them there aussies must have lots of croc attacks to be worried about an infant with arms...

if only steve irwin was around to educate us.
no seriously you guys are earnestly discussing different ways to murder people in your hypothetical violence fantasies and see absolutely no problem with keeping lethal weapons strewn about the house it's actually mind
I would (possibly) give up my guns for self defense if the criminals were effectively disarmed first.

BTW, I am neither right nor left but firmly in the middle where good ol' common sense still rules.

And I will refrain from insulting or trying to arm your country.
I think Eric hit the nail on the head. There is a huge cultural difference. The rest of it is just banter between us.

The rest of the world can do what they want about guns, and we should be able to do what we want. The rest of it is just debate. In the big picture it is no different than a debate on why some countries drive on the wrong side of the road.:D

yep Eric's post is the most reasonable so far

this is of course true, I'm just incredulous because gun worship is such an alien mentality where I come from, and yeah it's just banter to that end

that being said, I do believe people who are putting guns in the hands of four year olds are committing a reprehensible and utterly repugnant act. What possible reason could a child of four have for being in control of a gun? I don't care how safe you believe your supervision to be, simply by putting the child in that situation you are creating a very real and terrible risk and I think you have failed in your obligations as a parent by doing so

four. years. old. You wouldn't give a child that young a knife for god's sake, let alone a gun. They're too young to understand the ramifications of firing a gun into another person or themselves. I do not care how thorough your supervision is. one split second lapse could easily end tragically.
Didn't see the 4 YO story. Don't know where it came from. Seems like it might have happened but also seems like there must be more to the story.

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