You're too close for macro. I think the macro range starts at about 8-10 inches. If you want to be right on top of the subject, you'll need to go to super macro, which gets you down to about 3/4". In supermacro, the flash will only work in slave mode, and you'll get a lens shadow if you're too close, unless you're using a strobe. I think you might be able to turn on supermacro in the UW macro preset, but it will change back when you turn off the camera. One solution is to set up UW macro with your resolution and focus choices as a My Mode. Set the settings where you want them. Go to "Camera Set-up" menu. When you set the "My Mode" number, right click one more space where it says, "reset, custom or current". Click current settings for the "my mode" # you want to use, and it will stay there. That way you can set it up for manual or autofocus, auto spot focus, isp focus, etc. If you use manual focus, you can scroll the focus up or down using your menu buttons, and it will give you a screen with a slider bar that starts at 3/4" and works its way up to 8". If you pass that, you get a second screen with the next range, etc. Another issue with UW macro, is in dark water, you'll get a fairly slow shutter speed, i.e. 40-60. If you have surge and move a little, you'll get a blurred picture. You might try going to manual settings in "my mode". Start with maybe shutter speed of 80 on f4.5. Do a test shot at your depth. The camera will scroll shutter speed with the up/down buttons, f-stop with the l/r buttons. Check your screen immediately after a shot for light level and adjust accordingly. Another key is make sure you wait for the focus light to blink if you're in autofocus. Generally the screen will go kind of grainy when it does.