Next up is the Volna mask, which is another Mosrezina product. The Russian word "Волна" (Volna) means "wave".
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The name "Volna" is clearly visible on the top of the mask skirt and the two distinguishing features of this model is the rectangular shape of the lens and the bulbous ear-clearing bosses. Here is a contemporary review of the mask, taken from a Soviet diving book:
Original Russian:
Наиболее предпочтительной при занятиях спортивной подводной стрельбой отечественной моделью можно считать маску «Волна» московского завода №4. У нее прекрасная обзорность и за счет вогнутости резины внутрь сохраняется минимальное подмасочное пространство; маска имеет очень надежный хомут для уплотнения стекла, обеспечивающий полную герметичность. Но и эта модель имеет некоторые, правда, легко устранимые в производстве недостатки. Так, край маски у большинства экземпляров толстоват и тверд; полости для зажатия носа снаружи также грубоваты, толсты и узки, т.е. все время слегка сдавливают ноздри с боков. Если плавать в этой маске короткое время – недостатки эти не ощутимы, но если она находится на лице в течение нескольких часов, то на лбу и щеках останутся отчетливые красные «шрамы», а ноздри будут болеть.
Rough English Translation:
According to conventional wisdom, the domestically manufactured ‘Volna’ [Wave] mask from the Moscow No. 4 plant is the favourite model of underwater shooting sportsmen. It has excellent visibility and, due to the concave rubber interior, it maintains minimal space under the mask. The mask comes with a very robust clamp providing a completely leakproof lens seal. Yet the truth is that even this model has certain flaws that are easily removable during manufacture. For example, the margin of the mask in the majority of instances is thick and firm; the nose / pinch pockets are rough, thick and narrow on the outside, meaning that they are always slightly squeezing the nostrils from the sides. If you swim for a short time in this mask, these drawbacks will not be noticeable, but if you keep it on your face for a few hours, it will leave distinct red ‘scars’ on your forehead and cheeks and your nostrils will ache.
Note how the review is not uncritical of the mask's flaws. To make matters more complicated, the Volna appears to have come in another version with plain bosses:
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I have been unable to determine whether the two versions existed side by side or whether one version followed another.
The next mask I will be presenting is the "Buratino", also made by Mosrezina at the No 4 rubber products factory in Moscow. This model closely resembles a famous diving mask that has been manufactured continuously in Western Europe for more than half a century.