happybuddha:Hi guys, can me and the GF join you? I plan to be in the US for Christmas, but would like to get back to Asia for New Years. I had thought of doing the annual trip to PG, but since I've wanted to go back to Sogod Bay since diving there in '02, I would certainly consider going if welcomed. By the way, that icon has nothing to do with this thread but I just saw it for the first time and had to use it.
You and your lovely GF (Christina, isn't it?) being there would make the difference between a good holiday and a great one. A real pleasure to see you again!
OT, but how's the old fitness regime going? I'm on day one of being 34 and day one of not smoking, it's stressful...PM me if you prefer.
As for the local guys, they're absolute stars. Pasaway, naturally, but stars nonetheless