Chip, there is a Whaleshark Safari surcharge, but given that I'm already paying quite a bit to come from Macau to Hong Kong to the Philippines, what the Hell, I'll pay for the second day, even if I do it on my own.
RAM, hey :thumbs_up: Got any piccies? The link you sent me last time didn't work...
I now have a bunch of doubles, let me surprise you with what I bring. 1950's German Medi, 1950s Mistral, 1960's Healthways, 1950's Nemrod Snark, 1950's / 1960's / 1970's Aquamaster (got a few), Voit 50 fathom. Decisions, decisions:14:.
Or do I bring my new rebreather?Nope, no fills in Sogud. Bugger.
email sent.
Wow sweet collection - I didn't realize you bought so much vintage stuff on your vintage ebay spree! haha. Dunno, which one to go for...maybe the aquamaster or healthways (if it's the later 60s model) only cause I want to try